2021 weight loss and fitness accountability club


At that price it could be a group buy! I've ordered a set! I love numbers and stats!!

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I love the fact that the advert states it as having “step-on technology”. Are there scales that don’t?!


I'm in just signing up with Mrs to redo R66 mileage over 2 years

Short **** at 5' 8' and will be 60 this year - 2020 217lbs, 2021 203lbs would like to get to 189lbs by this time next year


I got a bit of a head start on this year, as I started training again in October. It's been a little challenging with the odd lockdown here and there, and currently in tier 4, so the gym is closed again.

However, my trainer comes to my house when the gyms are closed to enable us to keep training to a certain extent.

Weight wise, I was 82kg when we started and I'm now 85kg, but I've lost some fat all over and have gained muscle.

The plan for the next 6 months is no booze (except for special occasions... Not that I can think of any coming up) and back on it for Le Mans. I've done one Le Mans sober and it was boring as **** and everyone's behaviour appeared completely idiotic. So I won't be doing that again!

@2b1ask1 if the kayaking expedition is still on in a post covid world in September, I'll certainly be fit enough for it.


Well last year I did 2,500 miles on the bike but I don’t thinkI lost any weight. Although that might be down to Christmas.

I’ll try again this year.....

Felonious Crud

Staff member
49 (but that's only because my birthday last year was cancelled due to lockdown), 6', no idea how much I weigh but have generally been on the scrawny end of the spectrum anyway. Might need to get some of those scales.

Since I started working full-time again in November I've been trying to put a hard-stop to the day with between 2 and 4 x 7-minute workouts (iPhone app, £60 annual subscription, bloody good). So far it's paying off. I feel better, am definitely toning up and - crucially - generally get a defined stop to the working days. Although the app uses only body-weight exercises it's easy to augment with free weights, but you don't need to. I've no plan to turn into Dwayne Johnson (teeth too English, complexion too Northern European) and some sessions are knackering already. It's well designed.

We also do a lot of walking, and gloopy mud at this time of year adds some extra leg exertion. Last year I averaged 10,157 steps per day. This year so far 11,049. Much of last year's was commuting-related, so I'll have to plan better to maintain that this year now I'm working from home.

Good luck, everyone.


So my new scales arrived, good old Amazon prime, impressive delivery time - next day.
Scales look good, bit smaller and lighter than my outgoing Withings scales so probably won't use them for weighing car parts such as wheels and exhausts etc...
Set up with App is quick and worked first time.

Sadly they read a little higher than my last scales, by 1kg. In the spirit of the New Year I shall however use their output as of tomorrow morning!

Just inputting all the other measurements it records, waist, hips, neck, shoulders, calf, thigh etc....

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I'm in again.

I went completely off the rails in December .... drinking every day and pretty much eating what I wanted. As well as doing very little exercise.

Net result was me tipping back over 16 stone again which I now need to shed.

Aim is to be 15 stone by Le Mans Classic in July.