Are you worried yet.

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Not really, it's a question of whether you're in the public eye or not, which is subjective, or whether you make the rules then don't apply them to yourself, which is objective. I can't see how anyone can't see the difference. The price of a huge Gov. salary puts you in the public eye and you have to be very wary, he wasn't, he fuucked up, he's guilty, he has to go and IMHO so does Boris for backing him with no actual logical discourse.

The working class can kiss my a...... ive got the foremans job at last .................its all about knowing ones place in life


Its over guys, pretty much a non story , Nick Ferrari confirms it , Boris government 1 press and remoaners and lefties 0 nil ,nada , nothing ,zero not even on the scoring board ,relegated , Jo swinsonated lol


Week old article but makes interesting reading....
Article said:
We are no longer at epidemic levels of covid-19 prevalence in the UK (0.27% of the population infected, where 0.4% is the low end required to be “epidemic”)

Article said:
With no serious pre-existing conditions, the young-ish and healthy are far more likely to be hit by lightning (49 occurrences per annum in UK) than to die of covid-19 (33 in England under age 40, of which only 3 under the age of 19). Panning out, among healthy under 60s (i.e. children and the vast majority of our working population), 253 people have died of covid-19 in English hospitals; this compares to 400 (non-suicide) drownings per year in the UK. And taking all age-groups where there are no pre-existing conditions serious enough to be mentioned as contributary causes of death, covid-19 has taken about 2/3rds the lives that British roads do every year, and we wouldn’t think of outlawing driving, swimming or going outside in a storm.

Article said:
Even taking all deaths where covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate regardless of age or comorbidities, looking at the total toll: 43,000 lives is less than 2018’s excess winter deaths and would count as a bad, but by no means remarkable, influenza year.



Article said:
Remember the killer flu of 2000, and the lockdown after the Millenium super-spreader events? Me neither. Covid-19 might not be “just flu”, but that’s because there’s no “just” about flu.

Phil the Brit

Alexpie, there is one massive hole in the article that kills it dead.
The graph showing that coronavirus is no worse than the 2018 flu is true except for one major flaw.
The numbers were kept low because of lockdown. If lockdown had not have happened the numbers would have been huge.


Alexpie, there is one massive hole in the article that kills it dead.
The graph showing that coronavirus is no worse than the 2018 flu is true except for one major flaw.
The numbers were kept low because of lockdown. If lockdown had not have happened the numbers would have been huge.

Completely agree, they are not comparable as lockdown would have had a big affect on the figures, and they would have been a lot higher as you say.
But on the other hand you could also argue that in those years they would have had a flu jab/vaccine available to mitigate the amount of people affected, whether that could be compared to lockdown is unknown, and also would you include the excess deaths we will get as a direct result of the lockdown? Even so, I'd tend to agree with you that they aren't comparable. To me that graph is just showing that its not that unusual for a disease to kill this many people, even when they have a vaccine, albeit maybe a partially effective one.

More interesting to me was that we were a fair bit below the 5 year average of mortality at the end of last year and the start of this year, there was a big spike and now we are dipping back below the average.
So as we were negative to the 5 year average throughout the end of last year and the start of this year, we had a fairly mild flu season on average. Could it be that the people who would have died in an average flu season have been given an extra few months, and that potentially the ones who would have been taken by the next flu season been brought forward? Time will tell.
Clearly this is not flu and a lot more infectious and serious, and there is no vaccine like there is for flu. But for the majority it seems like whilst it may knock you about a bit, if you are under 60 and have no pre-existing conditions (severe enough to be on a death certificate as a cause of death, as the article says) then it seems even of those testing positive, the risk of dying is pretty low.

One thing yet to come is excess deaths from missed cancer treatments and the like, I think this is going to affect a **** of a lot of people, possibly more than the virus and that we may see the mortality versus the average skyrocket as a direct result of lockdown, even after dipping negative for a period.

However, I do agree without the lock down the numbers would be much higher, as more of the vulnerable group could have been exposed. So it is not comparable in that sense, but it was an interesting collection of information, even just to [bobmortimer] put in the thought fridge to snack on later [/bobmortimer] when all is said and done.

Phil the Brit

Alexpie, OK so we are pretty much in agreement. It is important to put it into perspective.
We will know a lot more in ..........about one years time!


I didn't boo for boris. Completely forgot as we were watching Better Call Saul.

I can confirm though that 5 minutes ago I did poo for Boris


Its over guys, pretty much a non story , Nick Ferrari confirms it , Boris government 1 press and remoaners and lefties 0 nil ,nada , nothing ,zero not even on the scoring board ,relegated , Jo swinsonated lol
And the "lefties" at the Daily Mail calling for him to go?


Boris getting another kicking this time by his own Party.

Another massive car crash for the Government.
Its an absolute disaster TBH! I'm not expecting him to be PM this time next year based on his recent performances. He is becoming a liability...


Boris is in for the full term imho
Whether that is god or not is up to the individual

That's true as he is giving the Tories what they want, here until 2024+. Up here in Scotland we have a similar outcome from a very different situation with N Sturgeon's spinning like mad with no substance or depth to her decision making but people love it for some strange reason.
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