Brexit Deal

Swedish Paul

Well said and pointed out and for me reminds us that we should all be humane.
Its not all about money which really is the route of all evil in many ways.
Society needs to change for the better.
Nearly 3 am in the morning and I'm wide awake but glad I have read Wanders post several times.

To follow the models in Scandinavia costs. In Sweden the basic income tax rate is 31% and there is no tax free allowance. VAT is 25%. I pay, I don’t mind, everyone gets a good standard of living.

Imagine the UK raising taxes to do the same. It would be a brave government.


Well if we are a country that is truly in receipt of all the benefits and we ain’t paying the costs” the EU have every incentive to let us leave.
Probably explains why they’re bankrupt.....Greece etc have been doing the same at someone else’s expense.

If we’re actually valued as a member and we do have some leverage it was never ever suggested that we should stay and change the Eu from within was it.
The Eu ain’t interested in changing.
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Well if we are a country that is truly in receipt of all the benefits and we ain’t paying the costs” the EU have every incentive to let us leave.
Probably explains why they’re bankrupt.....Greece etc have been doing the same at someone else’s expense.

If we’re actually valued as a member and we do have some leverage it was never ever suggested that we should stay and change the Eu from within was it.
The Eu ain’t interested in changing.
I guess I was talking about the bigger picture. If EU is willing to take a short term pain to protect the union, and avoid the break up, they don’t care as much about UK so called leveraged.
Have you ever asked yourself why all the companies from continental countries (VW, BMW, Bayer etc...) that suffered the most during the war and are contributing more that the UK into the union are not even asking their government to break their back for the UK ?
The union is more culturally engrained in their DNA, and they see why protecting that union is more important.
If we believe that trade leverage is more important than the essence of peace and unity on the continent, I guess we have no place in Europe, and we should stop whining because we’ve been caught with our d*ck in our hand.


I guess I was talking about the bigger picture. If EU is willing to take a short term pain to protect the union, and avoid the break up, they don’t care as much about UK so called leveraged.
Have you ever asked yourself why all the companies from continental countries (VW, BMW, Bayer etc...) that suffered the most during the war and are contributing more that the UK into the union are not even asking their government to break their back for the UK ?
The union is more culturally engrained in their DNA, and they see why protecting that union is more important.
If we believe that trade leverage is more important than the essence of peace and unity on the continent, I guess we have no place in Europe, and we should stop whining because we’ve been caught with our d*ck in our hand.
Well that’s one view.

the other is that the Eu is a total clusterfeck and we’ve already seen how difficult it is if 1 (solvent) country decides its leaving.
Imagine what happens when the Ponzi collapses. imagine trying to unwind that and who owes what?
('Target2' homework everyone1)

Couple of fun facts for you-
To raise money for the Ponzi, the ECB is exploring “mutual bonds”.

Oh yeah, let’s combine AAAGermany with ZZZ Greece and sell debt- that creates MMM rated EU bonds. Problem solved,
until Germans find out they’re on the hook for Greek debt and their credit rating is diminished because Greece has no money!
does anyone believe Greece is solvent now?

Also, more rule changes, they’re considering extending the Ponzi again.

They ain’t tweeking things, they’re making it up as it goes along.

Surely people with more intelligence (apparantly) than “leavers” can see this?

And some wonder why some wanna leave.

Ps, apart from the fact Lagarde is a criminal, she also has an excellent track record as a banker

So the 8 previous bailout warning signs weren’t enough.
Perfect person for the Eu.
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20 good old English pence off a pint now in Wetherspoons.
You can get a pint in some of his pubs for £1.39.
I thought the days of getting lashed up on a tenner were long gone.


Have you ever asked yourself why all the companies from continental countries (VW, BMW, Bayer etc...) that suffered the most during the war and are contributing more that the UK
I’d just like to point out that these are all German companies and to suggest they suffered during the war is a little rich.
Their country was responsible for starting a couple.
It’s amazing what u learn when u pick up a book or two. Can the 8 SMDRP members please start to revise history as it may come in handy.


Jacob Rees-Mogg in 1997 seeking to become an MP, in Leven, Fife. Took his Nanny, and drove around canvassing in his Bentley. At one point it seems he said to prospective constituents 'People on Benefits are at the scourge of the Earth' and this irked the locals so much his Labour opponent Henry McLeish had to save him from being beaten up.

McLeish said “He was reasonably well behaved in my company because I think he was in fear of his life.”

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this guy is such a pompous cock it's unbelievable, he needs taken down a peg or several, I hope the doctor sues him for defamation of character and I would happily donate towards any action



I'm not bothered too much about trade, personal profit etc, there's no reason a country like the UK can't emulate the Scandi countries who do better on less, but don't have leaking aircraft carriers with no planes.

There is one very big reason why the Scandinavian model will not work in the UK - they have less of a social welfare drain than us

Sure their numbers are smaller but in terms of % there is more of a working tax paying population than not. Makes it possible to balance the books whereas in the UK it would not be possible without all of the austerity that has been taking place over the last decade + more


Austerity has ended has it not?
Well no not in North East England it hasn't
Dave, the Uk has actually been quite fiscally responsible over the last few years, even though it isn’t popular.
I think those in this forum are generally- 35+. Old banks.
Would u solve a problem of debt by giving those in debt more debt?

I think most here would answer no.

Interestingly, over the last few days , austerity appears to be out the window. from everywhere f or everything in the Uk.

The entire world is printing money out of thin air, Japan, Europe, the Us, and China.and now the Uk too.

I’ve said on this forum that the Uk should just print money out of this get us through. By the way that is totally irresponsible, but bj is now going down this route too. Understandable given the playing field everyone else is playing to.

Fellas, across All viewpoints does this sit right with you all?
Oh yes, broadly agree with you especially about being fiscally responsible.
Something had to be done at that time as there were a lot of scroungers.
It has caused some people hardship but the hardcore scroungers are still there.
However to declare Austerity is over first by Spreadsheet Phil and now this Savid chappie is untrue.
Austerity does not instantly get better. It takes good planning - something we seem to have lost the art of and a willingness to help those less fortunate than me


Well that’s one view.

the other is that the Eu is a total clusterfeck and we’ve already seen how difficult it is if 1 (solvent) country decides its leaving.
Imagine what happens when the Ponzi collapses. imagine trying to unwind that and who owes what?
('Target2' homework everyone1)

Couple of fun facts for you-
To raise money for the Ponzi, the ECB is exploring “mutual bonds”.

Oh yeah, let’s combine AAAGermany with ZZZ Greece and sell debt- that creates MMM rated EU bonds. Problem solved,
until Germans find out they’re on the hook for Greek debt and their credit rating is diminished because Greece has no money!
does anyone believe Greece is solvent now?

Also, more rule changes, they’re considering extending the Ponzi again.

They ain’t tweeking things, they’re making it up as it goes along.

Surely people with more intelligence (apparantly) than “leavers” can see this?

And some wonder why some wanna leave.

Ps, apart from the fact Lagarde is a criminal, she also has an excellent track record as a banker

So the 8 previous bailout warning signs weren’t enough.
Perfect person for the Eu.

I thought one of your earlier arguments was that assuming the other side is wrong and stupid, was derogatory and belittling (when you talked about the remainders thinking beexiteers were idiotic or old school imperialists).

You seem to be doing the exact same about Europe.... I think you have double standards

Phil the Brit

There is one very big reason why the Scandinavian model will not work in the UK - they have less of a social welfare drain than us

Sure their numbers are smaller but in terms of % there is more of a working tax paying population than not. Makes it possible to balance the books whereas in the UK it would not be possible without all of the austerity that has been taking place over the last decade + more

I read "Scandinavian model" and thought thread drift. Oh well, never mind.
I had one once, best **** ever she was.