Brexit Deal


I think 1 thing is 100% clear. No ambiguity
Parliament is pro remain and unless the Eu is stupid it must clearly know that.
The Eu said in March, don’t waste the next 6 months. That’s exactly what’s happened.,
At the conf on 17th October, it will refuse another extension.
Parliament faced with no deal or revoke A50 will revoke.
Political chaos ensues..... worse than it is now.


I think 1 thing is 100% clear. No ambiguity
Parliament is pro remain and unless the Eu is stupid it must clearly know that.
The Eu said in March, don’t waste the next 6 months. That’s exactly what’s happened.,
At the conf on 17th October, it will refuse another extension.
Parliament faced with no deal or revoke A50 will revoke.
Political chaos ensues..... worse than it is now.

Not sure I agree with Parliament being pro remain.

It is clear that majority of Parliament is anti a no deal brexit.

I would not be surprised if the EU refuse another extension, and I agree that will cause yet another shitstorm


My opinion is business and Gov don't want Brexit. Some have agendas ie JRM and his dodgy tax havens etc.

So, Norway or Swiss model, not in EU, referendum result implemented, UK not really lost anything except an opinion. Remainers happy, Brexiters can't really complain, but one think has to change, this neutrality of parliament and governance, seems now being in opposition is more powerful than being in power when there is no one dominant party and several decent sized blocks that can flit and change according to bribes (DUP) or own ends (SNP). We've had coalitions etc before but now we have tacit on the fly arrangements to stand behind and effectively scupper Gov plans (good ones or bad ones) at any time. So nothing is being done and it's not really anyones fault, it's just how things have moved on, rules being used and abused, social media having huge influence and being used to influence. Time for big change.

I've no idea what, that's for brighter people than me. If there are any lol!

My agenda is this;

  1. End poverty.
  2. Freedom of movement etc.
  3. Strong social safety net for the needy, people in wheelchairs sleeping on the streets is a disgrace.

I'm not bothered too much about trade, personal profit etc, there's no reason a country like the UK can't emulate the Scandi countries who do better on less, but don't have leaking aircraft carriers with no planes.

I was born poor and I'll die poor with an upward blip in the middle (Maserati!), I believe in proper non-political socialist policy with the basics for everyone free at source;

  1. Healthcare
  2. Roof over head
  3. Enough to eat
  4. A chance to educate
  5. Freedom of Faith
  6. To be kept warm
  7. Options and encouragements to improve.

There's people that will scam, take advantage etc, but that's no reason not to turn the UK into an everyman for himself Trumpian USA 2.0...

I expect I'll be in the minority here, which is a source of great sadness for me.

Stephen Kearney, News at Ten, Dublin 15 (for now)


I've never heard a pro-brexit person find it necessary to assume that everyone that voted remain was either stupid, ignorant, gullible, a sheep, out of touch and so on.
Thank you C, the one thing that has stood out for me in this thread, is that a large proportion of 'remainers' seem to think they are intellectually, morally, and socially superior to brexiters, just saying like;)


Thank you C, the one thing that has stood out for me in this thread, is that a large proportion of 'remainers' seem to think they are intellectually, morally, and socially superior to brexiters, just saying like;)
I think that is because there is a perception that Brexiters, being generally older, have The Empire mentality, not for me to say whether that's a valid point or not, though my own straw poll just with family and friends does tend to back it up I'm afraid....




Jacob Rees-Mogg in 1997 seeking to become an MP, in Leven, Fife. Took his Nanny, and drove around canvassing in his Bentley. At one point it seems he said to prospective constituents 'People on Benefits are at the scourge of the Earth' and this irked the locals so much his Labour opponent Henry McLeish had to save him from being beaten up.

McLeish said “He was reasonably well behaved in my company because I think he was in fear of his life.”



Come on - that article is 3 yrs old!

Would you say the value of gold was the price quoted 3yrs ago...?
Jon that shows how Parliament voted in the referendum- pro remain.70% +. Fact.
Hence my prediction re article 50.
The majority of Mp’s from day 1 did not support leaving. fact.
We had a pro remain majority then in Parliament and we almost certainly (judging by the way it votes now) have that position now.
Hence the ridiculous situation where we are now negotiating against ourselves on behalf of the Eu.

Why in June did Parliament vote to keep “no deal” on the table, only to over rule it 3 days ago saying there was no mandate?
I’ll suggest that the answer is we now have a Leave Pm who would stand by it.

Leaving therefore had to be stopped.

There were 21 Tories sacked the other day,
12 who previously voted to keep "no deal" on the tablein June changed to "No deal is now unacceptable!- Hammond, Stewart, Gauke etc
2 didnt record votes in June and 7 Voted against the goverment then and now.

They were all elected "on no deal is better than a bad deal".

If I've time Ill see how many of them voted remain in 2016.....I suspect i know the answer.
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per above,

All 21 were "remain" voting MP's in 2016 and that beautifully highlights just how fecked over "the brexit leave" vote has become.

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My opinion is business and Gov don't want Brexit. Some have agendas ie JRM and his dodgy tax havens etc.

So, Norway or Swiss model, not in EU, referendum result implemented, UK not really lost anything except an opinion. Remainers happy, Brexiters can't really complain, but one think has to change, this neutrality of parliament and governance, seems now being in opposition is more powerful than being in power when there is no one dominant party and several decent sized blocks that can flit and change according to bribes (DUP) or own ends (SNP). We've had coalitions etc before but now we have tacit on the fly arrangements to stand behind and effectively scupper Gov plans (good ones or bad ones) at any time. So nothing is being done and it's not really anyones fault, it's just how things have moved on, rules being used and abused, social media having huge influence and being used to influence. Time for big change.

I've no idea what, that's for brighter people than me. If there are any lol!

My agenda is this;

  1. End poverty.
  2. Freedom of movement etc.
  3. Strong social safety net for the needy, people in wheelchairs sleeping on the streets is a disgrace.
I'm not bothered too much about trade, personal profit etc, there's no reason a country like the UK can't emulate the Scandi countries who do better on less, but don't have leaking aircraft carriers with no planes.

I was born poor and I'll die poor with an upward blip in the middle (Maserati!), I believe in proper non-political socialist policy with the basics for everyone free at source;

  1. Healthcare
  2. Roof over head
  3. Enough to eat
  4. A chance to educate
  5. Freedom of Faith
  6. To be kept warm
  7. Options and encouragements to improve.
There's people that will scam, take advantage etc, but that's no reason not to turn the UK into an everyman for himself Trumpian USA 2.0...

I expect I'll be in the minority here, which is a source of great sadness for me.

Stephen Kearney, News at Ten, Dublin 15 (for now)
Well said and pointed out and for me reminds us that we should all be humane.
Its not all about money which really is the route of all evil in many ways.
Society needs to change for the better.
Nearly 3 am in the morning and I'm wide awake but glad I have read Wanders post several times.


Breezer, don’t be put off by JonW, he’s still going around with the clock up his bum.

P.s. no offence meant, any insult taken by those living or dead clearly unintended, etc... ;)
Overnight, Jon’s had his clock extracted.
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Parliament is pro remain and unless the Eu is stupid it must clearly know that.
The Eu said in March, don’t waste the next 6 months. That’s exactly what’s happened.,
At the conf on 17th October, it will refuse another extension.
Parliament faced with no deal or revoke A50 will revoke.
Political chaos ensues..... worse than it is now.
Here we go, i wonder what 73% of Mp’s will vote for.

France tells Remainer MPs they WON'T get another extension to stop No Deal
FRANCE has warned Remainer MPs the EU won’t automatically grant another Brexit extension just to help them stop No Deal. Emmanuel Macron’s Europe minister Amelie de Montchalin questioned why the bloc would agree to a further delay “without changing anything”. Her remarks came after Michel Barnier told EU ambassadors that talks with Britain are now...

Read in The Sun:


You don’t think the world’s 5th largest economy, who contributes more the the E.U. 28 than the bottom 20 countries combined, has any leverage? That’s risible bordering on delusional.

Apparently not as currently I would say “Europe 1 - UK 0” (or Europe 6 - UK 0 just like Chelsea/arsenal in 2014 lol)


Well that does depend on who’s doing the negotiating doesn’t it.
I had the feel that the Project blame team was going to say that.
Once again, what incentives had Europe to let a net EU contributor leave the union with the benefits and none of the costs, and let other countries know it is OK to leave for more to follow???
It doesn’t take John Nash to figure this out :)


So w
I had the feel that the Project blame team was going to say that.
Once again, what incentives had Europe to let a net EU contributor leave the union with the benefits and none of the costs, and let other countries know it is OK to leave for more to follow???
It doesn’t take John Nash to figure this out :)
So we did have leverage then!