Silverstone Classic and Maserati Centenary parade.


New Member
Absolutely top day. One to live long in the memory. I think we put on a darned fine show. Kn@ckered now mind you.


Just back - super day out, I really enjoyed it, and have a message from 'The Club'...

The chaps running the club stand were very grateful for the huge support from SportsMaserati, and very impressed at how well behaved everyone was, no 'them and us' attitude from either club. I'm told a significant number of people from SM joined on the day, helping to produce a total more than have ever joined at previous events. Let's hope we can do some more joint events to keep turnout so high.

For me the highlight was being able to turn to Susie, and casually mention that Sit Stirling Moss wants to overtake... in a 250F... :) Lovely wave from him too as he cruised by :) Not something that happens everyday.

Hope all enjoyed the day, and have had a safe journey home.


Junior Member
Great time had and loved the lap being overtaken by the one and only Sir Stirling Moss as above.
I managed almost 90mph on the home straight much more than I expected so very happy.
Good to see as many Massers as there were partaking.
A little plea if I may, does anyone have any footage of the parade lap that can be shared?


New Member
My first ever Maserati event, I assume they're all this good and well attended :)

A fantastic day and a big thanks to all those who helped organise it.

Thank you one and all



Yes Neil - have some of Sir Stirling coming past which I'll tidy up and upload for you.


Such a blast. Drew, very jealous. Miles, you surely get beer for life from me, sir!

Pretty sure we broke the ton. The old lass not missed a beat, although I think she's a bit grumpy now. The heat was getting to her. Not as bad as the chap John we met who's Spyder's drive belt let go when he turned on the aircon in the post lap staging area. Last seen waiting 3 hours for the RAC :(



New Member
Chuffed that everyone enjoyed it Cat. The weather held fair and apart from my dodgy parking duty early on, everything went swimmingly. Roll on September.


Such a blast. Drew, very jealous. Miles, you surely get beer for life from me, sir!

Pretty sure we broke the ton. The old lass not missed a beat, although I think she's a bit grumpy now. The heat was getting to her. Not as bad as the chap John we met who's Spyder's drive belt let go when he turned on the aircon in the post lap staging area. Last seen waiting 3 hours for the RAC :(

Yes, we were right next to him - quite a bit of smoke, but the car was on the back of a truck at 4.30, so at least rescued. I overheard that his alternator had been fried too. Consillation is that at least he got the lap in first, I guess!


Indeed, at least he finished. Did you have a (at a guess) teenage chap in your jump seat, BigR. I yelled how great the noise was as someone hammered past and got a thumbs up and massive grin :)

Not sure why John's alternator should be fried, unless of course it was that, not the aircon compressor :(



Junior Member
I have some great video from my rear screen mounted camera, including being overtaken by the 250s and undercut by another. Bear with me while I try and edit the good bits. Something called work is getting in the way.

Fantastic day, my grateful thanks to all who organised I will remember for a long time. Would love to do similar again.
Ended with a bit of low....was just watching the last bit of racing on The Loop, filming the 50s and 60s cars when there was a serious pile of the cars flew through the air and ended up on the roof. Did not look good. Air lifted to hospital later. Then saw an MX5 squashed like a an accordion under artic on A303. Shut for hours.

Be safe guys!


I'm glad I wasn't there.

Otherwise I may well now own a 3rd Gransport as I'd have found it hard not to make an outrageous offer for that Bianco Fuji car!


Yes, we were right next to him - quite a bit of smoke, but the car was on the back of a truck at 4.30, so at least rescued. I overheard that his alternator had been fried too. Consillation is that at least he got the lap in first, I guess!

I was two cars back in the next row, smoke wasn't clever, then when the bonnet was opened I half expected flames, hope it recovers OK...


Junior Member
Blonde and T doing more than 20 on the track... my excuse was to keep them in camera view ;)
As if Merrian and I would be driving faster than 20mph on a race track! :p Must admit the parade lap was more of a buzz than I thought it was going to be - loved pushing it harder and overtaking on the straight :D And it was great to look across and see Merrian smiling away (we tried to stay as a pair around the track).

Not as bad as the chap John we met who's Spyder's drive belt let go when he turned on the aircon in the post lap staging area. Last seen waiting 3 hours for the RAC :(
Yes, we were right next to him - quite a bit of smoke, but the car was on the back of a truck at 4.30, so at least rescued. I overheard that his alternator had been fried too. Consillation is that at least he got the lap in first, I guess!
Indeed, at least he finished. ...Not sure why John's alternator should be fried, unless of course it was that, not the aircon compressor :(
I was two cars back in the next row, smoke wasn't clever, then when the bonnet was opened I half expected flames, hope it recovers OK...

John should have made it back home ok, as I gave him a lift back up to Derby and dropped him off at the train station, where there 'should' have been regular direct trains back to Sheffield. As for his Spyder, he said he should get it fixed without any problems.

TBH I think we did quite well to only have 1 car fail on the day :)

Was great to put some faces to names. Hope everyone enjoyed the day.