Wales First Nation to set a blanket 20mph limit in urban areas


It won't be difficult to look at the Speedo once the electronically controlled speed limiters are in place on all new cars. Saw a few road signs of electronically speed limited areas when in Europe recently.
Maseratis are electronically speed limited... it's above 150mph somewhere, I'm trying to find out but with a 2 lane unlimited autobahn it's difficult as someone always wants to overtake a truck.


Sea Urchin Pate
If it’s got a speed limiter it’s likely to be 155mph which equates to 250kph. However, ‘Italian character‘ dictates it could be anything even with 155 programmed in. As long as the smoke stays in the wires you are good to go.


Are they not talking about new cars being unable to exceed the speed limits set at various places? That's how I read it.


All the minor roads round here have been 20 for a few years , nobody takes any notice because there's never going to be a speed trap

Bizarrely there's a primary school round the corner, the entrance is on a blind bend and it's a 30mph road View attachment 103240

The school entrance is about 15m further round on the left , it was only recently they moved the school gates back to stop the kids queuing close to the road , still 30mph though

This is part of the argument in favour. Currently to create a 20mph area requires an exception, money and probably KSI (killed and seriously injured) analysis. The argument is that there can still be exceptions put in where 20 is not appropriate much simpler than getting a 20 put in now, but examples like the above would be 20 by default....

Please note that I don't automatically agree with the argument, just trying to explain it, to the best of my ability



This is part of the argument in favour. Currently to create a 20mph area requires an exception, money and probably KSI (killed and seriously injured) analysis. The argument is that there can still be exceptions put in where 20 is not appropriate much simpler than getting a 20 put in now, but examples like the above would be 20 by default....

Please note that I don't automatically agree with the argument, just trying to explain it, to the best of my ability

And there is the Crux of it, they introduced a 20mph limit in our village around 3 years ago, no-one Injured or killed as long as I can remember over the last 30 years, so no real reason apart from people complaining, mainly those Lycra Clad Southern Jessie's that bought holiday homes, are Anti Automobile and can't drive. I Apologise for the generalisation but it's true. *******.


I commute into Wales and this, along with the M4 which is now 50mph Ave speed cameras for most of the trip, makes by 50 miles c1hr 20 mins or round about 35 mph. And only 11 miles is not motorway.


That must mean that cocks voted him in then yes?

Yep, well they will never vote for anyone other than Welsh Labour in Wales. He could kill the elderly and make sex with your sister legal and he will still get in…

Doctor Houx

It’s all woke virtue-signalling nonsense. I dispair at the priorities of the Welsh government. Don’t even get me started on Nicola and her economic Armageddon independence plan whilst her public services are in turmoil.

As an Englishman, I would 100% vote for Scottish independence if I could, and send the subsidy reliant Jocks on their way, pulling the Barnett formula as they went. I would also refuse their demand to keep the pound and the Queen, as it’s in or out, not pick and mix!

I know I shouldn’t sit on the fence but should really say what I believe instead ;-)


Sea Urchin Pate
This is part of the argument in favour. Currently to create a 20mph area requires an exception, money and probably KSI (killed and seriously injured) analysis. The argument is that there can still be exceptions put in where 20 is not appropriate much simpler than getting a 20 put in now, but examples like the above would be 20 by default....

Please note that I don't automatically agree with the argument, just trying to explain it, to the best of my ability

Apology accepted, especially as you haven’t got any.


Maseratis are electronically speed limited... it's above 150mph somewhere, I'm trying to find out but with a 2 lane unlimited autobahn it's difficult as someone always wants to overtake a truck.

Well I had an indicated 182 in my GTS so it must be north of there!


Welsh Labour are fecking idiots and out of touch as they never thought they would get kick back on this from the Welsh faithful. 32.5 million they spent on this campaign and signs while they complain that they do not have enough money for the NHS and now they want to spend 18 million on 36 new government Senned members. We have the worst NHS in the UK so before voters get all dizzy that Labour will sort the NHS out in England take a look over here. Every party is as bad as one another.


Gotta be the best proposal..
All political and electoral leaflets will be printed on soft paper so that it may be recycled in the appropriate manner.

second is this...

We propose to prevent identity theft instantly by calling everyone Chris.