Question of the day


You all seemed to like the clue based theme question I asked the other week. Here is another one for you. Same format 5 questions to work out that give you clues. The actual question is what is the connection / theme to the 5 answers you have.

1. What nationality was Rembrandt ?
2. Between 1950 to 1957 and 1966 and 1976 Jensen Motor company made which model of car ?
3. Which Monarch was the last of the Stuarts and under their rule and the Acts of Union, the kingdoms of England and Scotland, united as a single sovereign state known as Great Britain ?
4. Which harbour was bombed by Japan during WWII ?
5. If somebody sets off well in a race or new job they are said to have had got off to a what start ?

So the question is what is the connection or theme that links the 5 answers ?