Why is there so much pond life in this world


Gutted for you Noor....there are some toe rags out there who just need shooting...No reason for what they do apart from jealousy.

Similar case happened today, at work at the Ferrari specialist where i work in my college hols, went out in a 360 with the mechanic and parked up at a petrol station to put some petrol in it as it was nearly empty, i was in the car, mechanic was paying at the kiosk, some little 15 year old toe rag comes over and starts pouring coke all over it, i went mental and give him a right hook in his face, ended up with a thick lip and bleeding nose, got what he deserved.


New Member
sorry to hear about your car, it should become law that anyone who vandalises a car should be run over by one as punishment.!!


Unfair and uncalled for........why try to understand these people....................they don't know why they do anything.............and in this instance, the punishment never fits the crime, nor will it be much good to the owner of their pride and joy.

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New Member
As you will all become aware of if not already,there is a slighlty jealous element to the country, that will try to make there mark on your car because they just think you have the money and they dont "and anyway clearly your rich so the cost of repair will be pocket money to you."
I have already mentioned in another thread that i could park my car 200 meteres from the supermarket in an almost empty carpark and when i return there will be an R reg rusty old metro parked so close to it it would be either left hand drive or the barsteward driver has dented my door...and sure enough there is the tell tale dent and scrape to prove it!!!!
There is no reason for this person to park right next to me,i`m miles away from the shop and logically no one wants to walk further than they have to...so what is the reason for targeting the maserati in the top right corner of the carpark? Just to put a dent in it i would put money on it!
I have returned just after a similar event and found the driver about to get into the car and i have approached and triggered the remote locking and she has stopped and waited for me to pull away before even attemting to get into the car...I wonder why...!
I now park up and take a photo when i walk away with my blackberry and if i find a car parked next to me so close that they could not get out i will sit down nearby and watch them return and try to get in ......
The real problem is that when in my 20`s i had one friend kill another friend with a bowie knife over the principles of refusing the other a cigarette! So if you confront the suspect with your "bloodup" you may find that circumstances could get so out of control that you find that things have blown out of proportion.
Its a real catch 22 on exercising control in the reprimand.... as one wrong word from the perpetrator and you overreact and.. it will be you that the police are considering a danger to the general public.


New Member
amazing what people will do Adam, I am glad I only intend to use my car on sunny weekends. do not intend to leave in unattended in any car parks. such a shame that we have to restrict the use of our cars because of such people.


You just cant reason with someone that would do that - I've never understood it and calm myself down by thinking theire jealous of what I have with good reason - I have something awesome (it happened to me when I had an E39 M5 a few years back). They're too small minded to see it as a goal and work towards getting one for themselves and believe anyone with anything nice has had it gifted to them, not thinking that some poeple work very very hard for some nice things in life. Its a challenge not to get involved, but even if you got hold of them you'd gain nothing - they're too stupid to know right from wrong, and a good hiding or a visit from the police (chose your route) wont teach them a lesson. Planks.

This is where our ways parts Duncan, Nero 612 for me!!

Get yourself to GrayPaul Notts, they have two in the showroom, both nero.