Sportsmaserati CarPlay

Sam McGoo

I'm not sure if I've got the same system as you - mine is from Naviplus in Australia and it uses an overlay screen over the OEM display. I use Android solely, but I don't have a "dongle" with a light on in my set-up. There is a box that the USB cable plugs into, and this is tucked up behind the trim covering the transmission tunnel on the passenger side. It's quite simple to access. My understanding is that it is this box that is the brains of the system, and if anything needed to be updated it would be this box - so no need to tear the dash apart.

Having said all of that, mine is working just fine. My phone is an A52 and it's running the latest version of Android that was released for this phone by Samsung - no idea what version that actually is.
Yeah, sounds the same set up as mine. The box you refer to in the passenger footwell is what I called the dongle.

Sam McGoo

I also have the naviplus module but I’ll guess it’s not much different.
Forgot to ask is yours a wired or wireless connection?
If wired maybe the data cable has gone which would be an easy fix except for getting to the usb on back of module!

Mine is meant to be a wired connection but I fitted a wireless usb adapter instead so it can connect wirelessly.

A mate with a new MG said the wireless software is the same and gave me the zip address to try, which worked
Mine is wired.
There are two USB inputs to the unit. When I installed it I ran both to the footwell just incase, and ended up teeing both of them so I could get faster phone charging.
I've removed the T and tried both USB inputs individually, but it just doesn't recognise that anything is connected.

Thanks so far guys, I may have time to fiddle some more later.


New Member
Well, your thought about Android is probably a valid one. Have you got someone in the household with an iPhone you could try? That will probably be the simplest way to point the finger at the phone or the kit.
How do I get in touch with you Conaero for ordering a Android auto module? I was looking for a PM option, but couldn't find it.