SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch 8:45 pm


Technical a great achievement.

But I genuinely feel that we have our priorities mixed up as a race.

Everyday I see begging advertising for food, water and shelter yet governments and now big business spend billions on space...surely we need to fix things here before we mess up the cosmos with old cars and rockets.

OK some technology may filter down to me (none stick pans etc).But I only see the corporate big wigs getting anything from this over the next 50 years.

Maybe instead of some over paid film star asking me for another £5:00 per month they and Mr Munsk can dip into their deap pockets and achieve somthing we have failed to deliver over the millennia.

Off my soap box now... and yes I know Gates has a foundation etc.

Look how long charities have been throwing money at Africa yet nothing seems to have changed, because it's a huge global business , people make a lot of money from the donations, unfortunately it's not the people that need it .

I delivered some parts to an army base in Yorkshire, 100s of millions of pounds worth of equipment lined up , one base in one county , multiply that nationwide and it must be an eye watering figure, imagine what that money could do when you consider what every country spends on defence worldwide

If we do get wiped out by global warming we deserve it



I thought exactly that , more space junk