Security and stuff.

So, with the imminent patter of 285 40 19s, my thoughts are turning to car security.
I've read many of your comments regarding trackers of various flavours and the concensus
doesn't seem to be positive.
My GT only comes with whatever was factory fitted, way back in 2008.
Am contemplating moving to somewhere with a garage, but meantime am thinking
along the lines of a MasterLock and some bolt cutter resistant chain, wrapped around
the pedals and steering wheel, with a good wheel clamp (if there is one) added for
giggles. I'm fairly lucky in that where I park is very well lit and right next to an urban
road, with police patrols passing fairly regularly.
Any thoughts, suggestions, etc on the subject?
As usual. Very grateful for all your comments.
Mike :)


The electronic security fitted to a lot of modern vehicles is easily bypassed. I would recommend visible deterrents as a good way of encouraging criminals to look elsewhere. Both of my cars have diskloks fitted which are well proven as one of the best physical security devices on the market. They are bulky and annoying to remove and fit but effective.


I installed a telescopic bollard in front of mine (about £300), an IP camera on the wall and a motion sensing flood light, which triggers the IP camera to record at night if it's set off. I also keep the other car in the household parked in front of the bollard, so there's a fair few deterrants for any would be thieves. No extra in car security though.
I've seen vids on YouTube showing those diskloks being bypassed / picked in seconds Jay, but I'll check them out, just in case I'm wrong.
Unfortunately I can't do the bollard thang where I am, but was thinking of CCTV as the light is good enough to pick up VRMs if they're uncovered
and possibly faces too.
Cheers guys. Food for thought :)


I've seen vids on YouTube showing those diskloks being bypassed / picked in seconds Jay, but I'll check them out, just in case I'm wrong.

I know some of the first generstion models could be beaten easily but I have been led to believe that the newer models have a redesigned lock barrel which prevents that from happening.
I know some of the first generstion models could be beaten easily but I have been led to believe that the newer models have a redesigned lock barrel which prevents that from happening.

Apologies. You're right. Though I did see a fairly recent video on YT where a guy got through one with an angle grinder in a few minutes max. However, the racket he made would've woken the dead! ;)