Question re Access to CambioCorsa or DuoSelect F1 Actuator Bleedscrews


Junior Member
Can I ask the specialists on this forum whether said bleedscrews are accessible, using, say, a selection of offset "slotted" head screwdrivers (at varying angles of blade orientation) and back-up flatbar (the latter to mitigate against screw-head stripping)?

As folks know, normally the parking brake cables, etc., and the exhaust system is "dropped", and the F1 actuator (with hoses attached) is unbolted from the transaxle case, so as to allow said (internal bleed) screws to be unseated, thereby allowing use of a Leonardo, an SD2 or 3, or a Launch X3 Pro, to be run through the actuator bleed process, allowing the F1 servofluid to be purged through, and the actuator to be bled of air. This is a PITA, no doubt, and if the screws can be slackened in situ (then subsequently snugged-up after it's done) that'd be a real boon.
