Planet Earth II

RSM Masser

Just watched this in HD and can't wait for the rest of the series. Just what are going to do when David Attenborough finally passes on - what an amazing life that man has had, moreover what an amazing influence he has had on millions of people. He is a true legend and inspiration for so many.

Like many I do not remember a time of BDA, before David Attenborough! I used to relish the Sunday nights when his natural world programs where on and still watch them now on the TV, they haven't aged at all.

I wonder just who will succeed him and give the amazement of the natural world to so many.


Forgot about that one. He is a pretty unique character. You wonder how they will be replaced but I guess they do. I'm sure we thought that about Murray Walker but nobody or nothing lasts for ever. He is certainly a tough act to follow. So many years of experience & knowledge. At least he has passed it on to many people in many ways.
Think I mentioned before Attenborough is now the top seller for BBC World Service and it generates a lot of cash.
The problem for the World Service though is they have lost Top Gear and Attenborough is no longer a spring chicken.
Mind you i wish he would keep his views on Brexit to himself (Oh don't start that again!)


Most of the credit should go to the film crews. I spent a lot of the programme trying to work out how they filmed some of it. The diaries bit at the end is fascinating - they go through a lot to get the footage.