Not so much a Newbie but forgot my introductions - 2010 Quattroporte


Junior Member
Well I took delivery of my 2010 Quattroporte on the 7th December 2015 and it was quite evident that there was a list as long as my arm of faults, basically the car hadn't been loved, it had 25,800 miles on it and a number of the issues would have been covered under warranty but the previous owner had really not loved it enough.

After a trip to the dealers over the Christmas period it was evident that a quick fix was not on the cards, so at the beginning of January she was collected and finally returned almost perfect last Friday, I've lost out to a months worth of tax and a months finance payments, but I am so glad to get her back after some hefty repair bills, none of which I had to swallow.

The only remaining issue is that they didn't reset the service light, apparently after disconnecting the battery to fit the new front parking sensors, I think it was more a case of the problem was one when I originally collected the car as it was serviced by the dealer on the 4th December and never reset properly because they didn't have the equipment to do so, anyway hopefully this will be resolved this week.

When I was a 10 year old I can remember a dark blue Maserati with Chrome pipes sticking out the rear, passing where I lived on a regular basis, not sure which model, but I vowed that one day I would own one and now I do.

What appeals to me about the Maserati brand is that unless you know your cars it doesn't shout money, snobbery or show-off unlike the perception by some people of other brands, I remember when I bought a nearly new Jag in 98 and within two weeks I had white paint thrown over and two doors stoved in by jealous minded idiots.

Although this is not a GT model or the Exec, it has a boat load of extras as it was an ex-demonstrator from Gray Paul in Nottingham, it was sold after only 2000 miles to the previous owner for £70K

Spec Sheet.jpg

I originally thought it was the Nettuno Blue, but really do love the white pearlescent in this Oceano Blue, when it catches the sunlight it is just amazing.

The Avorio interior was a real mess and it has now had replacement identical door cards all round from a 2011 QP that was in the showroom at the same time as mine and all areas repaired like new.

Friends tried to ward me off buying an exotic Italian car, but I had this desire burning inside me that I need to sort, again friends claimed I would sell the 911, but I have no intention whatsoever as they are both like chalk and cheese, if I want some fun then I go out in the 911, if I want to arrive in style or visit clients then it will be the QP.

As I import about 500 American vehicles a year, I was very tempted to buy a Dodge Challenger as I hired one to drive up the West Coast last year and was very impressed, so when I asked my wife at the weekend would she have rather my buy the challenger, I was very surprised when she said, no way, she loves the look of the Maser, but wishes the interior wasn't so flash. :)

So just a big thanks to everyone on here who has put up with my questions, it really is appreciated, thank-you.

Hopefully see you at the Ace on the 11th, not sure if I can make the meal, but will try my hardest.

All the best,



The original Ghibli has rather long exhaust sticking out of the rear... maybe that was your childhood memory car?


Junior Member
Looks lovely.
500 american vehicles a year into the UK, that's a lot, what age/type?

Yep we bring in everything from very early Dodges to the very latest Corvettes, but predominately vehicles more than 30 years old as they only attract 5% VAT and no duty.


Junior Member
The original Ghibli has rather long exhaust sticking out of the rear... maybe that was your childhood memory car?

I did see one a few years ago and did wonder, but I am now 56 and my memory isn't what it used to be, would love to own one of those but I figure my wife would object as there is already 4 cars on the drive and the garages are full up with my Colnago Bikes and my Indian.


Junior Member
Hmm, me thinks my missus might just have something to say if I even looked at it!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
What a great looking QP. I'm pleased you got all the issues dealt with. Amazing that such a nice car can get so neglected, really.


Very surprising given it's hardly an old worthless car! Lovely colour combination, reminds me of my old Range Rover.


Junior Member
Thanks FC, there is now not a mark anywhere on the body work and thank God he never took it into a car wash, the interior is 9.7 out of 10, so I will get the 0.3 sorted out in the summer :)

MAF I would have liked the slightly lighter interior, but it was hard enough getting this combination and it does feel rather special inside.


Very surprising given it's hardly an old worthless car! Lovely colour combination, reminds me of my old Range Rover.

Lol that's a comedy thought! You in a Range Rover, I bet you rattled around inside that! Did they do a booster seat for you? :D


Lol that's a comedy thought! You in a Range Rover, I bet you rattled around inside that! Did they do a booster seat for you? :D

Lol! Fully adjustable electric seats, got me close enough to the steering wheel!

You were only made tall because you're so ugly your face needs to be kept away from everyone!

Steve GS

So as you can see you have joined a site full of men that look grown up but are still boys in a playground. But we all have a love for these understated cars. Lovely looking car you have.


Junior Member
So as you can see you have joined a site full of men that look grown up but are still boys in a playground. But we all have a love for these understated cars. Lovely looking car you have.

Yep that is my major flaw, I will never grow up :)


John, what a stunning QP....Love the colour combination......Well done on your purchase especially now you have it all sorted.