Maserati Very Limited Edition Road Bike (by LOOK) Special Deal to SM members


Willier GT full carbon is my weapon of choice, of all the bikes I've had over the years, old TI Raleigh team frames, Falcolns, Carltons, Pinarellos, the Williers been the best086.jpg


A bike will only go as fast as the bloke on it. Lycra just makes you look stupid. Especially green lycra leggings I saw on a bloke coming out of the airport today.
He was weaving across the road as though he was warming up his skinny tyres...tell me that ain't so.


The way it rides, as a frame material, compared to alloy, steel etc. geometry, climbing and descending capabilities, the fantastic thing about carbon as a bike material is being able to mould & layer it in different forms to increase strength in certain areas, reduce in others, alter the handling and ride comfort were required and still retain exceptional lightness, that bike weighs in at 17lb but you could chop that back with a lighter wheel set and components.
I've raced on, steel, alloy and carbon/alloy frames over the years, its all down to choice of course and what you want from a bike but when Carbon first hit the streets it revolutionised the bike industry.


The way it rides, as a frame material, compared to alloy, steel etc. geometry, climbing and descending capabilities, the fantastic thing about carbon as a bike material is being able to mould & layer it in different forms to increase strength in certain areas, reduce in others, alter the handling and ride comfort were required and still retain exceptional lightness, that bike weighs in at 17lb but you could chop that back with a lighter wheel set and components.
I've raced on, steel, alloy and carbon/alloy frames over the years, its all down to choice of course and what you want from a bike but when Carbon first hit the streets it revolutionised the bike industry.

Got to agree. My Cannondale Super 6 Evo is my first carbon bike. I can't put my finger on what it is, but it's so much better than my Alumium framed Specialised Allez sport.


Oh ok. I was under the impression that your previous bikes like the Pinarello was carbon. Hence my question on the difference between carbon frames.


I agree I have had my carbon frame for about 8 years and I commute everyday on it all weather.

It is the fact that the carbon layers can be controlled at specific points in the frame so you get stiffness and flex in the right places whilst ensuring the bike remains light.

Means all the power you generate goes straight into the the ground and is not lost whilst the bike is still nimble.

Everyone keeps telling me that titanium is the holy grail though in terms of comfort and ride. But I have yet to try one.