Ghibli cluster parts?


Has anyone got in bits, or have the knowledge to tell me about; Ghibli instrument clusters..?

It's one part of the car; I've never had out, and I've started thinking about why my outside air-temperature sensor has gone bonkers. (more bonkers than it already was, that is)

From the schematics, I can see that the pink & pink/black lines return eventually from the temperature sensor (which I have swapped for a new one) to the instrument cluster directly, through the 7-pin 'connector E'.

Connector E seems to connect to a stand-alone unit within the cluster, which turns the variable resistance from the external sensor, behind the NS lower grille, into a displayable (made up word) figure on the display.

I think I might need this unit itself. Can anyone with parts knowledge tell me if that unit is available separately to the dash instruments (which I think are / were available individually)?


Looks like it's a subassembly which is sold separately, part no 393650207
Aparently sold for 122 pounds but I'm pretty sure it will be long obsolete.
Good luck.