Formula E


So I’m watching the formula E, in London. You know it’s like honourable and all that. Save the planet yeah I get it.

But it’s just mind numbing to me. I know we have someone on here who has something to do with it and I don’t mean to sound like a t1t.

But for a ‘motor’ sport it’s just does absolutely nothing for me. There’s hardly any spectators, not sure if that’s a
Covid distancing thing.

Even the presentation of it, some bird in white boots singing right before the race. Lights on the track all flashing and music as the lights go out for the start.

And that electric motor noise and heating the tyre screeches, it burns into my brain.

And then fan boost what the **** is that all about

Is it just me or what?
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Watched the last 15 mins or so of it and to be honest my eyes glazed over.

Just looked like a procession of cars doing display laps on an oversized kart track.


I tried it too a couple of years ago. Yawn! Don’t think it’s the electric thing per se, the cars are just too slow for the aero/grip. The rest is partly trying to make it suitable for the gaming generation and failing at American razzmatazz.

NASCAR has the Rangers parachuting in, the band of the US Marines playing the national anthem with 40000 people on their feet while Beyoncé sings and Cameron Diaz waves the flag unleashing 20,000 hp a foot from your seat. The wholes spectacle is what they do so well. Unfortunately when anyone else tries to do Americana you end up with the start of Formula E or a Wimpy in Basildon.


It’s definitely a gaming setup that’s for sure. The noise for me is still a huge part of it all. Anything that tickles the hairs on your neck is partnered by noise, it’s an important sense. A goal being scored, the crescendo in a song. It stirs the soul.

Seen Ross Brawn being interviewed this last week stating F1 will never go electric and if it had to would look at hydrogen if it’s hand was forced in the future.

Think I might go and hug my GT