Extended Manufacturers Warranty Cost


New Member
Why not self insure by opening a separate bank account and putting an amount in per month. Need to start with a fairly sizeable amount e.g., £1K just in case, But at least the money is still yours and no fighting with the .warranty people as to whether the item your claiming for is wear and tear. Just a thought!
That’s a fair point but mines a daily driver. I’ve not even had my GT for a year and I’ve already done 10k miles in it. Slim chance of any major issues but I don’t want to take the risk - peace of mind for me at the end of the day.


Thanks for the feedback.

The service rep (had worked his way up from an apprentice) was honest on the day, he said later generation GT’s (post variator) are pretty reliable. If you are using daily then maybe worth it, if not then probably not worth the cost ie self insure.