Exhaust sound - MC Shift vs 4.7 Auto


Junior Member
First post here, but thought I'd chime in.

I have a 2012 GranTurismo Convertible Sport and thought I'd relay my experience since it seems to differ with conventional wisdom.

Since it's the Sport, it has the firmer red springs (made by Eibach) but still has the Skyhook shocks (as opposed to the single rate MC version). For me, in Sport mode, the exhaust valves are open over *2500* (not 3000) RPM. They're also open in Sport ALL the time if I'm in manual shift mode! Even if I'm in Auto, but tap a paddle, the valves open up until it reverts back to Auto. It actually works out very nicely. I do dislike how it goes back and forth from loud to quiet in Auto as it goes under/over 2500, but then most often, when I'm in Sport, I'm also in Manual.

Just food for thought – maybe my car's an oddball but maybe you'll get lucky and have the same!


Welcome along Aaron & please introduce yourself properly with some photos of your pride & joy!