Closest near miss /brush with death


Chief pedant
I forgot one!

Walking home from town (yes I'd had a couple but by no means drunk), got off the train at Ashtown, and walked home down the towpath of the Royal Canal (Dublin, remember) about 10:30pm, dicking about on my iPhone looking for music and was conscious of making sure I was walking on the path itself. Anyway, I wasn't, stepped onto the grass verge, and fell into the canal.

Went under, and grabbed the rushes which of course just uprooted. Memory lets me down here but I got out, iPhone intact and safe, and squelched my way home, sodden jeans, shoes ruined jacket ruined, bits of black 'stuff' in my hair.

I should mention I can't swim and have a fear of water.

The very spot (looking the other way)....

View attachment 76414

Yeah, yeah. Heard it all before. ;)



Not car related, still left its "sliding doors" mark on both of us though even now.
Those that know us know we (when no cv19 around that is) go to Kenya in the late summer early autumn every year to catch the wildebeest migration and then some rays. Every year the same, fly into nairobi, go on safari, fly back to Nairobi a week later, some shopping and sightseeing for a day then fly to beach for a weeks sunbathing before back home.
A few years ago our "normal" plans got stuffed by the travel agent. He booked Our holiday with flights straight from the Masai Mara to the beach, no Nairobi shopping fix for us that year! We were annoyed at the time but went with it. Safari great, seen plenty including blue eyed leopard and had breakfast on Mara river watching the crossing so even though disappointed not going back to Nairobi we were happy going to beach hotel. Got up next day to watch the Kenya news about the terrorist attack on the shopping centre with so many lives lost, we would have been there the day after our safari, that same day, if the travel agent had done what we had I said, sliding doors.
You never know what is round the corner so treat every minute as your last and enjoy live as you go through it.