

How long do you take to decide what to smoke?

Thank you for asking Chris.
I don’t take ‘time’ for my next cigar.
I smoke one.. sit back and enjoy, then, decide what is next.
One day it’s another Cuban, the next day it’s a New World cigar.
I’m a serial smoker, most people hate what I do.
I love it, they can think what they want.. for me, smoking a Cuban is bliss, I absolutely adore it.
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Thank you for asking Chris.
I don’t take ‘time’ for my next cigar.
I smoke one.. sit back and enjoy, then, decide what is next.
One day it’s another Cuban, the next day it’s a New World cigar.
I’m a serial smoker, most people hate what I do.
I love it, they can think what they want.. for me, smoking a Cuban is bliss, I absolutely adore it.
I’m fortunate of course, have you seen the price of Cuban cigars?

Only once :) It was more like I would spend some time deciding what bottle of wine to open...



Thank you for asking Chris.
I don’t take ‘time’ for my next cigar.
I smoke one.. sit back and enjoy, then, decide what is next.
One day it’s another Cuban, the next day it’s a New World cigar.
I’m a serial smoker, most people hate what I do.
I love it, they can think what they want.. for me, smoking a Cuban is bliss, I absolutely adore it.
I’m fortunate of course, have you seen the price of Cuban cigars?
I used to be a serial smoker, too...but of these:


As it's tough to get Cubans in the US and also because I'm not wealthy. Indulgences included the Liga Privada and Davidoff Churchills...


That was a Good question Chris and a Good explanation Brian and Dennis too.
We all have our guilty pleasures.
Well that's what people that like to Judge tell us.
My whole adult life I've always had several vehicles as I was surrounded with them since birth.
I'm often told why do you need more than one but that's my business.
Not sure which I will use today until I open the workshop doors and that's the Pleasure :)


That was a Good question Chris and a Good explanation Brian and Dennis too.
We all have our guilty pleasures.
Well that's what people that like to Judge tell us.
My whole adult life I've always had several vehicles as I was surrounded with them since birth.
I'm often told why do you need more than one but that's my business.
Not sure which I will use today until I open the workshop doors and that's the Pleasure :)
The sole mantra I've ever followed consistently is "life's too short to delay pleasure." Learned it early, and it got beat in to me further over the years. My aunt, who never married and lived like a miser, had all of these plans after she retired from her job as a university librarian...two weeks into retirement, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died fewer than 6 months later. Also explains all the exes!