
Peter's bang on. I paid mine on 31st March effective 1st April and saved £40 compared to doing the same thing one day later. And, because I'm a nice guy, I even posted the top tip on here somewhere. But I expect one of Zep's e-powered AI ChattyBots ate it.
Nope - I saw your tip and owe you a drink as I did mine that evening.


Not exactly profiteering. As a country we are in huge debt, where successive governments have made losses, not profits.
It’s a merry-go-round. Nurses, doctors, train drivers (etc) strike until they get pay rises, so the Govn has to increase the take from tax to pay for them. Of course, it’s all completely unsustainable and a broken system, but it is the system we have.
Profiteering is what energy companies have been doing since the start of the Ukraine war. They have been making larger profits and have played a huge part in increasing inflation and causing the cost of living crises. It’s these companies that need to be better controlled and/or further taxed.
Anyway, I’m sure Sir KS has a master plan to solve it all when he becomes PM later in the year... Ha!
Great analogy Ewan and 100% spot on why are we all so apathetic and continue to let them get away with it , the average man in the street with even a basic IQ ( thats me included although some might differ lol ) can see whats going on and certainly feel the effects of it , Its not rocket science to see the tax/profiteering injustices perpetrated by said power companies and or the like of Amazon/Google/Microsoft Starbucks/ Macdonalds etc etc , the off shore holding company system needs to be dissolved and if those companies dont like it , let them F off and go somewhere else , it will leave room for other companies to take there place and pay the relevant taxes due


AA have always been tip top for me. Their Euro assistance was exceptional. Yes the car took a while to get home, but they made sure I could continue on the SM Beano. They have also recovered me a number of times across the country to Poole, and on a number of occasions, I have been able to arrange a time for the recovery/call out if a car has been hors de combat but at home or somewhere safe and I wasn't stranded.



AA have always been tip top for me. Their Euro assistance was exceptional. Yes the car took a while to get home, but they made sure I could continue on the SM Beano. They have also recovered me a number of times across the country to Poole, and on a number of occasions, I have been able to arrange a time for the recovery/call out if a car has been hors de combat but at home or somewhere safe and I wasn't stranded.

Totally agree , and their breakdown/repair insurance is such a good idea , I pay £17 a month per car for the Masser and the Bentley which covers me for any breakdown repairs up to the value of £500 a time and up to 3 claims in any 12 month period per vehicle .........and it covers replacement keys and their subsequent programming