Aston DB9 Mr Grace


I see that Mr Grace has a nice DB9 for sale alongside his Masers. As a boy who thought The Persuaders was the best TV programme with the DBS the best car, and is very saddened at the loss of Roger Moore this week, I've always wanted an Aston.

Does anyone have experience of both the DB9 and Granturismo 4.7 Auto/MC AutoShift? Accept it's a GT rather than a sports car. I had dismissed the proposition of a DB9 due to silly rear seats (fine for my 3 year old son now but would have to sell in a few years) and running costs. However, as prices of DB9s have bottomed out, providing avoid early cars with likely paint defects and oil level issues, I'm wondering what a DB9 is like to live with compared to a GTS. I suspect my 12 month plan to get into an MC AutoShift GTS still makes most sense, especially as I would like it to be a keeper.

I know the differences between the two as had a few of them, DB9 is sold though; Vantage still for sale. Rear seats are not useable whatsoever so that's not going to work for you.


And it's a lovely Vanage to Dicky....Always loved Kesteal tan interior...yes an acquired taste but nice to see when most are black....I would be knocking on your door if I had the readies buddy