A funny thing happened on my way to the forum....


Special case
I've just got in from an early start and a 16 hour graft on 8 (was only meant to be 6) sites around Dudley and Birmingham in the van.

Abot 19.30 coming south on the A435 out of Brum there is a point at a roundabot where it breaks into duel carriageway, being fairly loaded up I ambled around and accelerated in the inside lane to hear a rumble of a large and possibly V8 coming off the roundabot and blasting past me, coming 'on song' at about level with me.....


Very nice I thought but it diddn't seem to make much grond, in fact it had started to make some pretty ghastly noises and there was a haze of something coming from under the car, sort of dusty and fumey; 200 yards on he was stopped with his hazards coming on instead...

Expensive methinks!
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