2007 / Blu Nettuno 1 Owner GS


Lovely looking car, and at a good price.
Several don't have the side Tridents, mine included. Though easy to retro fit for those that want them.

Phil H

If I was in the market for a GS it would be a toss up between this car and Ewan's. My old bones are not up to the ride these days though :(


Nice looking car, and nice that it’s 1 owner, but the price looks high to me for a private sale at that mileage.


Looks very much like this.
I've been look a little too much at it: https://www.chileautos.cl/vehiculos/detalles/2007-maserati-gransport/CL-AD-11651915/?Cr=11
I drove that very car about 6 years ago when first scratching the maser itch. ended up with the strad. But now am looking to add another.
What does the car look like to you guys? Its almost certainly a 2006 build, registered in 2007.
NRO. MOTOR 112422

Has anyone ever tried to use these as a daily? It's got to the point in the crazy used car market where it costs the same as a newish Golf.


Nice looking car, and nice that it’s 1 owner, but the price looks high to me for a private sale at that mileage.
Of all the GS cars for sale currently, the average asking price is around £23.5k and the average mileage is around 52k. So this seems bang on. Possibly cheap, given its ownership and history.
Though of course, different cars will be in different states of condition, some requiring more work than others.
Plus it's not a private sale - it's at GT Two, is it not?


Of all the GS cars for sale currently, the average asking price is around £23.5k and the average mileage is around 52k. So this seems bang on. Possibly cheap, given its ownership and history.
Though of course, different cars will be in different states of condition, some requiring more work than others.
Plus it's not a private sale - it's at GT Two, is it not?

Ah, sorry - I missed that it was dealer. Price closer then. Whilst 50k might be low mileage due the age, it’s slightly high for GS… not that it should matter.

I’ve seen a slight increase in GS asking prices recently on Autotrader, but it doesn’t look like they are actually selling any quicker. Surprising that they haven’t really followed the rest of the market (e.g. 997) upwards. With so few GS for sale at any one time, it only takes a couple of optimistic prices to skew the market, but they’re slow sellers unless they’re absolutely spot on condition and spec…. there are some still for sale now that were for sale when I sold my GS just over a year ago!


Ah, sorry - I missed that it was dealer. Price closer then. Whilst 50k might be low mileage due the age, it’s slightly high for GS… not that it should matter.

I’ve seen a slight increase in GS asking prices recently on Autotrader, but it doesn’t look like they are actually selling any quicker. Surprising that they haven’t really followed the rest of the market (e.g. 997) upwards. With so few GS for sale at any one time, it only takes a couple of optimistic prices to skew the market, but they’re slow sellers unless they’re absolutely spot on condition and spec…. there are some still for sale now that were for sale when I sold my GS just over a year ago!
Some of the less desirables examples like the Battersea one loiter around (believe that had heater matrix issues), although did love the colour of that.

Has anyone ever tried to use these as a daily? It's got to the point in the crazy used car market where it costs the same as a newish Golf.
Using ours as a daily... alternating between that and our QPV.

That looks stunning. The Tridents were an option. I would prefer the dash top to be Navy but overall hats off to whomever specified that.
Did not know the Tridents were an option!


Being in the market myself, there are a number of cars that differ quite widely but are advertised at a similar price. The Battersea car is actually pretty good and has had the heater matrix replaced and rust protected underneath. Still quite tempted myself tbh.
For me, its important not to overpay for the car, as the market seems pretty flat and I'll probably sell it again in 6 months! My other concern is where big ticket items haven't been replaced as yet and you end up being the one picking up the bill. I've seen a few cars that have had regular servicing but little actual expenditure. Of course you could be lucky!


My other concern is where big ticket items haven't been replaced as yet and you end up being the one picking up the bill. I've seen a few cars that have had regular servicing but little actual expenditure. Of course you could be lucky!
This... so whats that on a GS, clutch... subframe (if it's not been kept on top of), heater matrix?


well done! we seem to have similar tastes, my e39 was one of the best cars I have ever owned, thumping V8, perfect size (smallish I'd say), chuck-able yet comfy..
I have a semi-skimmed E39 by comparison to your 540i/M5... mines a 530i Sport touring... although the 3.0 straight-six is one of my favourite engines ever, just ticked over to 219k. Had it for almost 8 years... most reliable thing I've ever owned, love it.


This... so whats that on a GS, clutch... subframe (if it's not been kept on top of), heater matrix?
Yep, all of the above. These are generally standard maintenance items that will wear out. So..... the previous owner has been lucky and all of the wearable components have done their job, but you come along at 50,000 miles and these items start to need doing. Ideally you want to buy a low mileage, low ownership, annually maintained car with clutch, brakes, suspension etc replaced just before you buy it!! The holy grail! Probably doesn't exist. Generally that has been my business model in the past. Buy a good car, spend a fortune on it and then sell it at a vast loss!! The secret is buying the car at the right price.


That’s stunning. Would get the dash recovered though.
As long as it’s had the big stuff done recently the it looks a good buy.


As with all cars of this age, it's not the miles that kill them it's lack of maintenance due to low miles.

Mine cost me £1800 this year so far on services and maintenance even though it has travelled less than 500 miles since the last one.

It does seem bizarre that a car like mine which has travelled less than 2500 pa is considered high miles... if we carry on this way no 32/42/GS will be around in a decent condition in 3 or 4 years time... they will be scrap or in museum.

Expect to get a fully maintained GS for less than £23k with reasonable miles is going to result in a long wait.


Chief pedant
Based on the number plate alone this must have rolled off the production line very close to mine: https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202108246594702

Love the colour and the interior matches perfectly... strangely it looks like the Trident emblems have come off both sides, but 1 owner!

View attachment 89610

My old QP had no tridents when I bought it. Found out, a year or two after buying, that this was due to rear-end damage and a respray. Next time you see no tridents, it might be innocent, but I would remove the boot liner and look for welding....


The only major issue will 42s and GS of that age is subframe corrosion. Suspension parts are repairable but are getting scarce too.
It's almost as though Maserati want you to buy a new one.