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  1. M

    Greeting from East

    Hi again Long time I didn't posted any news but some steps are ready now.I restorated the We42DCNF collection, and were some dificult works.1 of 4 was broken at the float pin, and I found a boy who could welded it. Also arrived the overhoul sets and syncrometer. The power window stil ready...
  2. M

    Greeting from East

    Hello Enzo Thanks for the kind offer, I will meet with the owner of the car next week.He is now in Spain,and told me he has some books of the car. If that is not enough than I will ask you from that and buy it. Now I have first repair the wisher mechanic, the power windows/ build new gears...
  3. M

    Greeting from East

    HI again We have main dealer in Budapest, I called them for parts, but they did not really active to answer me.The other Mexico is also from the States as I know. Thanks for the links.New models also existing in Hungary some... but people here first buy a DB or Porsche like an Italian one
  4. M

    Greeting from East

    Hello Parisien The biggest problem that the pre owners did not take care to the car, and not really interested if some units did not worked correct.That I need to serve first, and may be next year will a rotessary restoration.Mexico as I know 2 exist in Hungary.
  5. M

    Greeting from East

    Hi All I'am Peter 46y old and I'am a car mechanic.I live in Hungary and most of the time I work with oldtimer cars. I like Maserati, and 1 of my friends has a Mexico.He bought the car from USA. That is a daily driver,but he plans to restorate it.The car now has some minorworks what I need to...