Are you worried yet.

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Chief pedant
I'm not a fan of Piers Morgan but I do agree with him on this.
View attachment 67736

These sorts of tweets must be so helpful. Presumably Boris and Matt are just sitting about doing jigsaw puzzles, and occasionally glancing at Twitter, and then they see this and think, "Wow, Piers is so right, we really should do something about this." Thank you Piers, what would we do without you?


Chief pedant
It always has been since William Caxton bought the printing press to England

Yes Ye Rupert Murdock, you can spread bad news much further than the street corner now, verily I wind this handle and it speweth forth

And finally at the end of news at 10 was the only bit of good news, probably bought in to stop people at the door on their way to hang themselves

Supposedly, when the Daily Mail was founded, the owner (Lord Rothermere???), said something like this to he editor "I want the readers to be fearful and angry after reading this at the breakfast table." But I can't find a decent reference to the quote anywhere.


These sorts of tweets must be so helpful. Presumably Boris and Matt are just sitting about doing jigsaw puzzles, and occasionally glancing at Twitter, and then they see this and think, "Wow, Piers is so right, we really should do something about this." Thank you Piers, what would we do without you?
Totaly agree... winds me up no end when these TV and News types cry foul... like they have ever carried any responsibility.

Phil the Brit

More worrying is a trend towards herd admonishment. At the moment it’s fairly understandable, both in response and what they’re into response to (breaching government guidelines) but the venom I’ve seen is like something I’ve never seen before. I can’t quite articulate it now, but it sets a worrying precedent, one I’ve not seen or heard of on a mass scale in my life time and one I’ve only read about in books from a long time ago, or in foreign regimes. And we thought the people who uploaded dash cam videos were bad; it wouldn’t take much for things to become more violent.
I can’t help but wonder how many of the individual rights that were removed and the extra police/government rights given will stay in place when the world resorts to normal. Some might argue this isn’t the time to be having these thoughts, or expressing them out loud, but when we realise there’s been a collective mistake, it might already be too late.

The new laws in Parliament were only for 6 months maximum.


We all know there aren't enough police , if the scum of the UK start taking this as an opportunity to loot we're going to need a lot more, ask retired coppers to come back on desk duties and get the younger ones on the streets

You only have to look at the gangs of youths running amok in supermarkets in the US in normal times to see it won't take much for them to think free for all , they won't need a gun , just the threat of spitting might be enough to stop anyone but the police intervening

Scumbags like this need stamping on quicklyView attachment 67732
I'd be happy to see Guantanamo bay style prisons built to house them , **** whatever human rights they have .

Yesterday a mate told me one of his neighbours in his mid 70s who'd been self isolating for 2 weeks went to check on a neighbour, on his way back to his house a gang surrounded him and started coughing in his face so now he's terrified he's got it.

Something needs to change , fast

Not so sure about bringing back hanging , but maybe the re introduction of a Labaotomy , would maybe keep the liberal millenials onside, must be getting old me considering the well being of the millenials :saifi:


what I can’t work out about this disease - is any sense of predictability of who gets it and how it affects them. It seems like Russian roulette. With the first 14 year old dying in Italy and multiple people of 20-40 being ventilated- I am left scratching my head as to the demographics of this.

Ian, first let me state that I’m a mechanical engineer and have no idea about the workings of the body and diseases which will probably be evident by my question. This “Russian Roulette” regarding the way some folk are seriously/fatally hit by this also intrigues me. Is it possible that some folk apart from being attacked by the virus in a normal way could also be suffering an allergic reaction to it at the same time thus compounding the effect?

Felonious Crud

Staff member
A Good News Story.

Keep 'em coming!
Report That Pessimists Die Sooner No Big Surprise to Pessimists

New York (
— A study issued Tuesday claiming that pessimists have more long-term health problems than positive people just proves pessimists were right, say pessimists.

The research, conducted by the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., found that less positive people suffer significantly higher rates of illness, and advised physicians to encourage their patients to adopt a more positive outlook to improve and lengthen their lives. Pessimists across the country said they would try, though they seriously doubted it would work.

"OK, here's a positive thought," said Chicago resident Eric Weinstadt. "Why not save me the trouble I'm going to have later and just shoot me now?"

"No wait, save the bullet," he added. "I'm going out to a party with my so-called friends tonight. I'll bet I die of boredom."


Ian, first let me state that I’m a mechanical engineer and have no idea about the workings of the body and diseases which will probably be evident by my question. This “Russian Roulette” regarding the way some folk are seriously/fatally hit by this also intrigues me. Is it possible that some folk apart from being attacked by the virus in a normal way could also be suffering an allergic reaction to it at the same time thus compounding the effect?
Virus load seems to be an issue.
Exposure to a small amount (2 strains - 1 worse than the other of course) on a continual basis seems to cause a virus build up- resulting in a greater susceptibility.
Hence if a family member comes down with it- isolate them in a separate room and open windows.
Better for them and others in the same household.


Ian, first let me state that I’m a mechanical engineer and have no idea about the workings of the body and diseases which will probably be evident by my question. This “Russian Roulette” regarding the way some folk are seriously/fatally hit by this also intrigues me. Is it possible that some folk apart from being attacked by the virus in a normal way could also be suffering an allergic reaction to it at the same time thus compounding the effect?

From when I had it (I think) it is down to each individuals body/lung condition in the first place. My wife and son were certainly under par by some way.
Whereas me with **** lungs and asthma I had it a lot worse and it wiped me out for almost 3 weeks.

However, I still think we had the mild symptoms, or the weaker strain.

IMHO If you are unfit, overweight, smoke, have low immune system and get the bad strain you are in big trouble!
If you are all of the above and get the weaker strain you're going to be in a bad way but should still recover.
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Righteousness combined with fearfulness is a potent motivation toward intolerance and witch-hunts.

Not that we've seen any intolerance around here...

You are the very opposite of Cassandra. You and your prophecies of good news. Pah!



A pedant writes...
The indications are that if you have had it and recovered you will have developed a strong level of immunity, so if your body encounters the virus again your body will quickly destroy it, preventing a further outbreak. So you will not be coughing millions of viruses onto other people. BUT if the virus us prevalent in the environment, you may still have some of them on your skin or in your lungs, so could be a minor source of infection, like any other surface coated in viruses.

You are quite correct sir. I doff my hat to your precision.

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