Are you worried yet.

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I’m not going to get into a lot of this stuff. Fear is a natural response to a threat, but you have to understand that some people who are saying these things are motivated by something other than your continued health. You remain statistically more likely to be hit by a bus than catch the coronavirus. But I do have one link for you. I’m not suggesting you are a troll, but the likes of ZeroHedge and other “alternative-learning” sites are.

Well they would wouldn’t they. I’m pretty certain Central banks would say Zero hedge have it wrong to whilst producing $59 billion each day out out of thin air to prop up the Ponzi.

Horses for courses Zep, i respect your viewpoint and as I said to Catman (with our bet) I sincerely hope he wins and is right.


600 people die in the U.K. of Flu in 2008 this rose to 13000! Can’t remember there being a lock down.

the Coronavirus is not reported to be a death sentence to everyone who contracts it, and most recover without specialist treatment.
Indeed so why lock down 400 million for 1000. that isn’t the problem.
There is no current vaccine and the infection rate of this has the potential to bring our “lifestyles” to a grinding halt. If it goes unchecked it could decimate populations.....the true death rates is yet to be discovered but it could be far higher than thought.
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Same confirmation bias that those have that believe what theyre told.

No sir. I went to some considerable lengths to explain why I disagree with some of the material you reference. Not one single case was because 'I don't agree with it'
OTOH you've not engaged in that, and simply moved on, ignoring it.



The people quoted are mostly not politicians

As if we can trust them.
Recently, Trump on Iran missile retaliation having threatened war....they subsequently did and he said “no US casualties”

3 weeks later

Listen, I respect every view. You do what you do, I’ll do what I’ll do. One of us will be more right than the other.


No sir. I went to some considerable lengths to explain why I disagree with some of the material you reference. Not one single case was because 'I don't agree with it'
OTOH you've not engaged in that, and simply moved on, ignoring it.

You’re input was good and I asked for your opinion regarding the potential source etc and rumours I had read. I won’t repeat those on here’s frankly they’re irrelevant now.
A week later I cannot ignore the continuing global unchecked spread and threat. A week ago the Uk wasn’t touting this as is now.
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Felonious Crud

Staff member
Reposting what (I think) Kitty posted previously.

I refuse to live my life locked away in paranoid terror. There's fun to be had in the great outdoors, and I intend to find it. Not that I'd be reckless. For example, Coronashitscared is my perfect excuse for dodging a trade show in Barcelona this month, which several other companies have pulled out of, not one of them mentioning that Huawei generally takes around 2,000 people to it.


Reposting what (I think) Kitty posted previously.

I refuse to live my life locked away in paranoid terror. There's fun to be had in the great outdoors, and I intend to find it. Not that I'd be reckless. For example, Coronashitscared is my perfect excuse for dodging a trade show in Barcelona this month, which several other companies have pulled out of, not one of them mentioning that Huawei generally takes around 2,000 people to it.
I agree -but I’m not paranoid. I’ve a family and we live in a country with a huge Asian community.
Phil will have experienced this in NZ.
They’re the most important thing I have so until such times as this situation seems to be under control, I’ll take every measure I can to avoid our opportunities of being exposed to such.

I’m not trying to spread hysteria but everyone ought to take the time to learn from as many sources as they can about the Virus. They can then take the measures they feel necessary to be prepared.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
I agree -but I’m not paranoid. I’ve a family and we live in a country with a huge Asian community.
Phil will have experienced this in NZ.
They’re the most important thing I have so until such times as this situation seems to be under control, I’ll take every measure I can to avoid our opportunities of being exposed to such.

Are you confusing Asian people with a virus which seems to have started in China? My point is, is a Chinese person in Australia more likely to have it than an English person who has recently returned from Asia?

Perhaps I should avoid everyone. Which, I suppose, will make a change from them avoiding me.

Phil the Brit

Yes Extremely.
The virus is spread by human-human contact and further it can live on surfaces for 4-10 days. Its currently spreading uncontrollably now.

The Uk super spreader proves that it is undetectable with Temp guns as he had travelled here there and everywhere. It is virtually undetectable until you present symptoms. Govt action is therefore a total waste of time.

Until every country with exposure locks its citizens down for a period of 14 days (like the 400million plus in China in self imposed isolation) it will continue to be rampant.....infecting tens of thousands and ultimately millions. This action would identify sufferers.

The nhs will be swamped otherwise and scenes similar to Chinese wards will occur. The government is now trying to trace a constantly moving and increasing target of infectors.....daily.

If it doesn't happen soon the consequences will be unimaginable as case numbers explode, along with the death toll.

China is covering up the severity.

The horse has already bolted I fear............ How true is your comment............
The government is now trying to trace a constantly moving and increasing target of infectors.....daily.


The people quoted are mostly not politicians

China saw things differently and when people who know things spoke out several Doctors they were treated very badly.
Then a Doctor dies who spoke out just before passing he is now a Martyr.


Are you confusing Asian people with a virus which seems to have started in China? My point is, is a Chinese person in Australia more likely to have it than an English person who has recently returned from Asia?

Perhaps I should avoid everyone. Which, I suppose, will make a change from them avoiding me.
No, Good point, fact is you don’t know who has it- neither do they!
clarification required. Lots of Asians returned home to family for Chinese New Year then returned to Gold Coast.
Griffith university as an example also has a massive student base if Asians.

Phil the Brit

So, yesterday I bought some face masks. Just as a precaution you understand. Did some research and bought the best type I could find.
If I were to have waited another week there will probably be none available.
Just my 2 cents.


I believe it is dangerous and have some concern but as a few others have mentioned in this thread; the majority of people who catch it surive(?)

Until a vaccine is developed the most vulnerable are more likely to perish... Vaccine will take another 10-12 months(?)

Countries with a top heavy population in terms of age demographic should definitely be worried.


China saw things differently and when people who know things spoke out several Doctors they were treated very badly.
Then a Doctor dies who spoke out just before passing he is now a Martyr.

You appear to be conflating a few issues here chap:
Should we trust politicians? We should probably limit that trust, but to an extent politicians are people too (maybe)

Did China's government behave badly to people speaking out? It depends on where you stand (for example as posted up there there are probably thousands of similar cases of people speaking out every year. Most of these will come to naught so the 'correction' may be regarded as acceptable and never to be found out. This one, of course was different. Personally I don't agree that the Chinese government acted well, but it's not my **** on the line.

Are the sources (I think Zep phrased them as 'alternative learning) politicians? On the whole, no.

Should those sources be trusted? Yes, if you analyse what they say and find it valid. If because it simply supports your world view, then no. You should check whether the claims stand up to any kind of scrutiny.



I believe it is dangerous and have some concern but as a few others have mentioned in this thread; the majority of people who catch it surive(?)

Despite many claims to the contrary the mortality rate appears still stuck at the 2% ish mark. Of course this may be false, in which case we have an impress array independent organisations and people all telling the same falsehoods.

Just found a rather super article (peer reviewed would you believe) about why the mortality rate may be wrong:

At present, it is tempting to estimate the case fatality rate by dividing the number of known deaths by the number of confirmed cases. The resulting number, however, does not represent the true case fatality rate and might be off by orders of magnitude. Diagnosis of viral infection will precede recovery or death by days to weeks and the number of deaths should therefore be compared to the past case counts – accounting for this delay increasing the estimate of the case fatality rate. On the other hand, cases in official statistics are likely a severe underestimate of the total – accounting for this underestimate will decrease the case fatality rate

A precise estimate of the case fatality rate is therefore impossible at present. Figure 1 illustrates how these uncertainties manifest themselves using currently available data.

I'd just like to point out that several have claimed that under reporting of cases due to people being in tower blocks etc means it must be more dangerous. Or not.


Phil the Brit

I believe it is dangerous and have some concern but as a few others have mentioned in this thread; the majority of people who catch it surive(?)

Until a vaccine is developed the most vulnerable are more likely to perish... Vaccine will take another 10-12 months(?)

Countries with a top heavy population in terms of age demographic should definitely be worried.

You mean like the UK.


I read yesterday that whiskey is the best known cure, ok, not cure as there is no cure for the common cold, but it alleviates the effects.

The corona virus is a fancy cold. I suggest we all stock up and drink our favourite single malts until this all blows over.
However, should it not blow over and we all die, will we actually care?


600 people die in the U.K. of Flu in 2008 this rose to 13000! Can’t remember there being a lock down.

the Coronavirus is not reported to be a death sentence to everyone who contracts it, and most recover without specialist treatment.

Is your company listed on the LSE?

If it is I might consider an investment ;)
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