Wheeler Dealers Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce restoration


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Beautiful little car, enjoy:






I had a Spider and loved it. I think it was my wife's favourite of all the cars I have ever owned and the only one she would nag me to drive. It even scored more points in her eyes than my Ferrari and Maserati. Wheeler Dealers is very entertaining but that big bumper spyder is definately a no no. The only one to go for is the chrome bumper and if your budget really goes the whole hog the real collectors piece is the original 1600 boat tail duetto a la Graduate. One day this will definately be sitting in my garage.

Watch the video and tell me you don't fancy one :) Who knows you may even end up with Mrs Robinson

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Enz I have a passion for old cars and in particular the 60's era. Alfa Romeo have made some beautiful cars over the years and whilst not in the same league as 60's Ferraris, Masers or Lambos, they are infinately more affordable and some are very beautiful. A fully restored Duetto could cost around £20,000. It is a very rare sight on our roads and for dry weather driving will give a lot of smiles for your bucks. They were reliable with no fancy electrics but as all Italian cars of that era were plagued by rust. The Guilia is another beauty but I love the boat tail of the Duetto.