Unofficial forum meet Ace 10th Nov!!


Forum Owner
a great night, like Matt said it was supposed to be a low key meet just to have a chat before xmas and quite a few people turned up so thank you......

I had a laugh yesterday and very late on UM put in an appearance, that mans comedy gold.....

Matt Vasili the manager of Ace told me today we can have the 10th Dec in the morning no problem as long as we have left by 10:30 which as we have to be at Go Karts at 11 i think thats alright....

OK, I just emailed him too. After the Bus show last year when they tried to turn us away even though we had authority, Ill get and print out the email this year so there is no confusion.

dem maser

i had to say, last nights highlight was Phils face when the ****** Jock asked him for his keys.....i was on the floor