Thinking of hiring a Mas for a road trip (and proposal!) in Scotland - advice?


Junior Member
Hello chaps,

The time has come to make an honest woman of my wonderful girlfriend, the time is right and I want to make it something special. Maybe it's a bit cliched but my head keeps going to road trips around Scotland, scenery, castles and probably a good bit of drizzle. My parents honeymooned on Mull and always spoke so fondly of it, so I thought maybe it'd be good for me to carry on something of a tradition. We went there again when I was a teen and I remember a spectacular drive up to Oban, over to Mull on a CalMac, up to Tobermory and then all the way down to Iona. I'm thinking this might be a fantastic route to drive - and it would really add something to drive it in something pretty and preferably Italian. I'm not set on that route, but hopefully you get the idea.

So I'm wondering about the possibility and costs of hiring a Ghibli for the occasion - as much as I'm willing to splash out a bit, I probably couldn't stretch to a QP or GTS. I'm thinking it'll only be four days or so. I have never even hired a car before so have no idea at all where to start, so any pointers would be appreciated. Also any quiet and romantic stops or places to stay along the way if you know of any!

Thanks a bunch guys, hope you've all have lovely summers!


What a thoroughly nice post to read! Drizzle comment excepted - we only do proper rain you know :smile:
Good luck!


Junior Member
For that, you can 'rent' my GT if you want. Provide me with a hire car to get me back and forth to the station, insure it and Bob's your uncle....C

I mean....if you're serious that would something of a dream come true! She absolutely loves the Granturismo, I think she'd be genuinely overjoyed!
What a thoroughly nice post to read! Drizzle comment excepted - we only do proper rain you know :smile:
Good luck!

Thanks! Haha I wouldn't mind if we got proper rain, all the more reason to sit by a fire with a cocoa eh!

I'm just waiting for the jeweller in Cardiff to finish up the ring. He's been fantastic, I designed the ring in CAD myself (learning a bit about stone setting etc along the way!) and though he made a few engineering tweaks before 3D printing the wax pattern, what she'll hopefully be slipping on her finger is totally unique. I'd like it if I could make the whole thing similarly memorable. I won't lie I'm pretty excited about this :D!
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If you have to go the Hire Car route, then Hertz do a Dream Collection. Maseratis are in there. As mentioned in a previous thread though you will need a couple of credit cards in your name to allow you to rent them though.


If you have to go the Hire Car route, then Hertz do a Dream Collection. Maseratis are in there. As mentioned in a previous thread though you will need a couple of credit cards in your name to allow you to rent them though.
PS. Remember there a few of us up this way in case of any unforseen hiccups, we will be on hand :)


Junior Member
If you have to go the Hire Car route, then Hertz do a Dream Collection. Maseratis are in there. As mentioned in a previous thread though you will need a couple of credit cards in your name to allow you to rent them though.

Great advice, thanks! That's exactly the sort of thing I need to know about :).


I mean....if you're serious that would something of a dream come true! She absolutely loves the Granturismo, I think she'd be genuinely overjoyed!

Totally serious. PM me. The issue that may be is that I'm in Essex......

But it's for a good cause, so if you want to make it happen :D



If you don't want to put 2,000 miles on Catman's car - very generous though his offer is - Sixt in St Pancras do Ghiblis for reasonable rates.

You can get a Levante for less than £500 for a week, think it’s Sixt; they’ve been advertising £70 per day min 7 day hire.


Junior Member
Thanks for all the links chaps! It looks like I'll be taking Catman up on his extremely generous offer, as long as I can find temp insurance that isn't cost prohibitive.

I can't wait to see the look on her face when I say "I'll bring the car around" bur it's not the Discovery...
If you want to break the drive up, Ewich House in Crianlarich is outstanding. It may not be on your route, but if you find yourself in that neck of the woods and need accommodation, don't hesitate. Their reviews on TripAdvisor say it all. Very reasonably priced.
Your intended is obviously a woman of exquisite taste, if she appreciates Granturismos. Has she got a sister? ;)


Junior Member
I hope this comes off, amazing effort Catman. Good luck finding insurance though. Last month I went through as many insurers as I could find trying to insure me on a bike that I wasn't the registered keeper of and not a single one would touch me. Even specialists like refused. I ended up being added as a named driver to the registered keepers insurance. Heres hoping four wheels is a bit easier than two.