The beginning


Religion was invented at the dawn of civilisation to keep the peasants in check. "If you don't behave your self you will go to h3ll". It was a that and a lack of understanding of how the universe worked.
-"Why has the sun gone dark in the middle of the day then?"
-"God did that to punish you for sh4gging your neighbours Ox again"

Hundreds of religions in the world and they all think that they are right .

Well maybe someone just made them all up ?

Anyway if you would like to hear more of my wonderful tales then you can follow me. You just need to make a donation so I can buy some nice gold shiny relics for my church ...I meant garage.

There is going to be a lot of disappointed people when they come to die.

"Oh hang on where's heaven ? "

"Sorry mate , you shouldn't be so gullible, that was it. Light s out ."


Alex's cousin is mega religious these days after he met his now, mega religious wife.

However, the thing that confuses me is that her cousin got a First Class Degree in Geology at Uni.

I asked him the other year to explain the dinosaurs. Especially with his geology degree. :conf1::lol::lol::lol:

He just shrugged his shoulders.

Go figure......


There now follows a brief history of time :

'0' = the big bang, but it's only a theory.

'1960' = Hancock's Half Hour.

'1968' = Steve McQueen announces that ''time starts now'' in the ace classic filum 'Bullitt'.

'1974' = Monty Python's five minute argument occurs, or was it the full half hour?

'2012' = God's remains are found under a car park in Leicester. Ooh no hang on a mo, it was Richard III not God 'imself. Bugger!

Am I doing this right...? ;)


There now follows a brief history of time :

'0' = the big bang, but it's only a theory.

'1960' = Hancock's Half Hour.

'1968' = Steve McQueen announces that ''time starts now'' in the ace classic filum 'Bullitt'.

'1974' = Monty Python's five minute argument occurs, or was it the full half hour?

'2012' = God's remains are found under a car park in Leicester. Ooh no hang on a mo, it was Richard III not God 'imself. Bugger!

Am I doing this right...? ;)

If you're making it up, you're doing no different from the religious types.

Jay p

Religion was invented at the dawn of civilisation to keep the peasants in check. "If you don't behave your self you will go to h3ll". It was a that and a lack of understanding of how the universe worked.
-"Why has the sun gone dark in the middle of the day then?"
-"God did that to punish you for sh4gging your neighbours Ox again"

Hundreds of religions in the world and they all think that they are right .

Well maybe someone just made them all up ?

Anyway if you would like to hear more of my wonderful tales then you can follow me. You just need to make a donation so I can buy some nice gold shiny relics for my church ...I meant garage.

There is going to be a lot of disappointed people when they come to die.

"Oh hang on where's heaven ? "

"Sorry mate , you shouldn't be so gullible, that was it. Light s out ."
Had the same discussion with a couple of jehovas witnesses explained my theory that religion was created to establish order where their was chaos ten commandments where simply a first draft set of laws. Why would an omnipotent being give af if you covet thy neighbours ox. Sent them off feeling a little confused with a go home to your family and make the most of your life as they are currently flogging a dead horse trying to convert scallies from Liverpool lol.


SA is closer to the USA religious-wise, so it is a struggle sometimes socially. The opposite from Europe. I remember being very surprised seeing young people dressed up with bibles in their hands walking to church on Sundays. Thankfully we have a modern constitution so religion is kept firmly out of governing, law and public schools.