The Alpine Tour - July 2nd to 9th 2011


New Member
The Second of the promised 2011 Tours and this is a favourite for a lot of drivers.
It follows the Petrolhead Nirvana ethos of great driving roads and amazing value for money.

So if you love your driving then read on.......

We've moved the dates on this tour to take advantage of a lull in the European calender which means quiet roads and good rates, it also leaves space for a new Alpine tour to take place in September. (details coming soon)

However the format of this trip is the same as 2010, lots of driving, decent (well priced but still good quality) hotels and more passes than you can shake a stick at

Of course we've refined the route so it will be even better than 2010 (if that was possible) and our pricing will follow the same ethic of great value for money

if you have done it before then you have to do it again, if you haven't then you had better act fast as we're going to try and keep the numbers down to 22 cars this time to make sure everyone gets the best from it.

so without further ado, we present;

The 2011 Alpine Tour

No yearly itinerary would be complete without our famous Alpine Tour.
Eight days of pure driving nirvana on roads that all petrolheads dream of.

Of course, everyone has heard of the Stelvio Pass: it's a great road and an ascent that every driver should experience at least once in their lifetime. It's by no means the best though; we know there are even better roads in the region and we have the knowledge to take you there. Those who have been on this trip in the past have labeled it the holiday of a lifetime and it's a tour that we are justifiably proud of.

Stelvio in the morning


We haven't rested on our laurels though, and you wouldn't expect us to would you? For 2011 we have gone back to first principles and made the tour even better. We have reorganised the route and changed some of the hotels so you'll spend more time on the twisty roads and Alpine passes you love, stay in hotels in beautiful surroundings and, believe it or not (if you take advantage of our early booking discount offer), this tour will cost less than last year.



Day 1

Calais To Offenburg - 404 Miles
We take advantage of the efficient French autoroutes to get us as close to the action as possible on the first day. It's an opportunity to use the supplied walkie talkies to chat and banter with your fellow tourists and get to know the other cars traveling along with you.
There's a Shell petrol station directly opposite the hotel so you can brim your car ready for the fun on Day 2.

Day 2

Offenburg to Davos - 270 Miles
After a good nights sleep and a hearty breakfast we head into the Black Forest sampling the roads Ducati use as their testing grounds. Then we head south into Switzerland towards Winterthur to bed down in Davos for the night surrounded by the passes we've come all this way to enjoy.

Day 3

Davos to Andermatt - 243 Miles
Day 2 will have left you with a smile on your face, Day 3 will be a grin you can't get rid of.
We head out of Davos and head toward Austria, taking in the Fluellapass, then wander up the Stelvio pass, down the lesser known Umbrail pass, out to Bormio and away towards St Moritz ensuring we have time to run up the Julier pass before settling in at Andermatt.

Day 4
Andermatt to Courmayeur - 272 Miles
More passes than you can shake a stick at, not that you'll have time for stick shaking as today will take us on the Nufenen pass, Furka pass, Grimsel pass, Susten pass and the Grand St Bernard pass. You may not know the names yet but they will live long in your memory. We end the day in Courmayeur at the base of Mont Blanc.

The San Bernadino Pass...

Day 5
Courmayeur to Col de Turini - 270 Miles

We promised fun roads on this trip and Day 5 proves that beyond all doubt. Heading away from Courmayeur we begin the day with the Petit St Bernard pass and continue on with the Col D L'iseran, Col du Galibier and the magnificent Col de la Bonette, which is the highest paved pass in the Alps and one of the major challenges in the Tour de France. Finally we head to a favourite stage of the Monte Carlo rally, the Col de Turini. Our hotel for the night sits on the summit of this challenging classic road.
a quick stop en route


Day 6
Col de Turini to Annecy - 250 Miles

We leave the Alps behind so that's the end of the fun, right? Not a bit of it. Day 6 is all about the Route Napoleon. A mixture of long fast sweeping bends and tight twisty sections and views that will make you gasp. A truly amazing piece of tarmac. We end the day at Annecy known as the Venice of France, a beautiful town with stunning views across it's lake to the mountains beyond.

Day 7
Annecy to Dijon - 237 Miles

A short dash to Geneva from Annecy, and then a quick trip up the mountain (watch out for bikes - this is a biker paradise) and over the top, dropping down to Auxonne and on to Dijon.

Day 8
Dijon to Calais - 345 Miles

The last day of the tour, but we have saved something special for you. A trip to the old Grand Prix circuit at Reims. For so long this historic circuit and it's outbuildings was in ruins. Now however, they are being brought back to life. We have time to stop for a photo opportunity and a quick blast down the old straight to get a sense of what it was like all those years ago. Finally we head to Calais and a sad farewell to your fellow tourists and new found friends.

The price will be £1099 per person based on two people sharing a car and a twin or double room.
A 10% discount applies if you book before Christmas 2010, making the price £989 per person.
The booking deposit is £500 per person.

There is a solo driver option, which is still based on sharing a room (but it means you can hog the driving) which is £1199 per person, with the 10% discount that comes down to £1,079 before Christmas.

If you would like to book, please call us on 0845 838 7363.

Whats included;
Return Eurotunnel crossing
7 nights accommodation on a bed and breakfast basis
Two experienced tour managers in two cars to lead and chase.
sat nav files, licensed walkie talkies, info packs with route notes, maps and useful info,

Whats not included;
lunch, dinner, drinks, tolls, fuel.
European breakdown cover (for your own peace of mind we make this a requirement on all tours)

the list is open now, you can call me on 0845 838 7363 or email me on

There's a thread running on PH about this years trip worth a read..

and of course there are plenty of videos to watch, everyone had a camera it seems and we are actually putting together a DVD of the trip, but for now a few snippets.....



Always promised myself to do Stelvio as a lot of my (Lotus) mates have and have always raved about it.


New Member
Dan, Stelvio is fun and looks great but we know some much better roads than that...seriously have a read of the PH thread i linked to at the end of my post....that will tell you all you need to know!


Dan, Stelvio is fun and looks great but we know some much better roads than that...seriously have a read of the PH thread i linked to at the end of my post....that will tell you all you need to know!

Have to agree Harsh , altho a must to do Stelvio-Bormio could do with a re-surface here and there , we did it 14 months ago in the October , great time , no tourists or locals even, to interupt the drive (lucky i guess) also did the San-bernadino FluellaPass and Umbrail passes , awesome part was the tunnels on the way to Bormio, with the sunlight flashing through the arches at 60mph made for a challenging time when we happened to meet several cars coming in the opposite direction , great fun and one which i will Endeavour to do again

regards loz


New Member
Have to agree Harsh , altho a must to do Stelvio-Bormio could do with a re-surface here and there , we did it 14 months ago in the October , great time , no tourists or locals even, to interupt the drive (lucky i guess) also did the San-bernadino FluellaPass and Umbrail passes , awesome part was the tunnels on the way to Bormio, with the sunlight flashing through the arches at 60mph made for a challenging time when we happened to meet several cars coming in the opposite direction , great fun and one which i will Endeavour to do again

regards loz

Traffic and road surface are the two bugbears i have too
The San Bernadino is very much my favourite, although the julier pass, the sustenpass and a whole host of others come close.

i also like long sweepers on the Route Napoleon and some of the Cols that we use on the way there and back.

really looking forward to this trip now, i think it's about 70% full
the 10% discount thingy is officially over but i could extend it for one or two of you guys if you fancy it