Stolen Maser crashed in Portsmouth


Forum Owner
Gun Wharf I think they dreamt it would be but they are still stuck in that cowshed.


Gun Wharf I think they dreamt it would be but they are still stuck in that cowshed.

Indeed its a cowshed but with an atmosphere even in Div 4 that you guys could only dream of in the Prem. Come to a match with me and you'll see. Offer is open.

Not sure well be back in Prem in my lifetime though.


The thing about Pompey is that you can walk down one Street and it's rough and then turn a corner into a nice Street. Used to live in Marmion Road in 2006/7, when Copnor Road was closed traffic was horrendous especially if the m275 closed as well due to an accident. Walking was quicker!


Im going to Poopey tonight . I can confirm it a sh1thole.

My thoughts were first confirm when i once drove through North End at 4 in the afternoon on a Wednesday. In one 10 minute period i saw one drunk man laid in the middle of the road causing a traffic jam , a single pregnent mum smoking with her other two multi coloured kids in a double pushchair watching , and a man cuffed over the bonnet of the car he had just put a brick through the window of. The next day i drove home and saw a woman screaming at a taxi driver in the street. She was then joined by what i can only assume was her other half ( or crack dealer ) , who rode over on his push bike , got off of it and proceeded to pick it up and force it through the window of the taxi ......... The defence rests .



I've lived here 18 months and seen none of those things.

Guess I need to pay more attention.

dem maser

Im going to Poopey tonight . I can confirm it a sh1thole.

My thoughts were first confirm when i once drove through North End at 4 in the afternoon on a Wednesday. In one 10 minute period i saw one drunk man laid in the middle of the road causing a traffic jam , a single pregnent mum smoking with her other two multi coloured kids in a double pushchair watching , and a man cuffed over the bonnet of the car he had just put a brick through the window of. The next day i drove home and saw a woman screaming at a taxi driver in the street. She was then joined by what i can only assume was her other half ( or crack dealer ) , who rode over on his push bike , got off of it and proceeded to pick it up and force it through the window of the taxi ......... The defence rests .



Im going to Poopey tonight . I can confirm it a sh1thole.

My thoughts were first confirm when i once drove through North End at 4 in the afternoon on a Wednesday. In one 10 minute period i saw one drunk man laid in the middle of the road causing a traffic jam , a single pregnent mum smoking with her other two multi coloured kids in a double pushchair watching , and a man cuffed over the bonnet of the car he had just put a brick through the window of. The next day i drove home and saw a woman screaming at a taxi driver in the street. She was then joined by what i can only assume was her other half ( or crack dealer ) , who rode over on his push bike , got off of it and proceeded to pick it up and force it through the window of the taxi ......... The defence rests .
Very impressive...funny little story...liked that. I bet Dem could do better though ;)


The bloke who I shared a flat with, told me that if ever I felt depressed, just pop into North End and you'll feel better with your lot. He now lives in Port Solent. .. The posh bit built on the old landfill....