Spoon stirring


I'm just gutted I will never see the pictures he promised me after reminding him several times as I was genuinely wanting to see how it could be done.
Well, hopefully I'll meet up with him at a local car meet and can let you know if you want. (if nothing else a runout with his neighbor is planned in our S2000s when the weather improves)
Somebody, somewhere will have done a study on how we are perceived on social media versus face to face.
When we rely on non verbal signals to the extent of seventy or eighty percent, to give what we say context and correct meaning and so on, its surprising to me at least, that forums work at all.
I think they only do work, because in most cases, we recognise that our common interest is the most important thing.
Enriching each other's experience with our brand of choice. Is the best way I can express it, in the moment.
What's happened with Spoons has given me pause for thought. I prefer a stress free existence. However, if I'm honest, I have to admit that the battles that I've been fighting over the past several years, mostly with chronic illness, bereavement and a huge amount of loss, have left me pretty stressed out at the best of times. And I carry this with little help because my closest friends are spread far and wide and have their own lives to lead.
Another member said to me in private recently that I come across as wrapped a bit tight at times and I laughed this off. But, he was right and given his huge experience working with all kinds of personalities, I ought to have reflected on this more at the time.
I am pretty self aware. But that slips at times. Probably when I need the ability most. I know I'm work in progress and always will be and that's okay.
To be honest, I'm going to miss Spoons. People are irrational and life is chaotic. His posts made me smile a lot and laugh often. If our existence was otherwise, we would, quite literally, die of boredom.


Someone much wiser than me once said "treat others how you would like to be treated yourself".

So if you ask for someones opinion, and don't like the reply, fine. But don't abuse them for their point of view. Especially if it comes from a viewpoint based on far greater knowledge than you (think) you possess.

There's a time and a place for abusing people on a forum, and that is normally 8 beers in on a Le Mans trip (or the moment you see them on your second), but because they say something which you don't like isn't really on. You reap what you sow.

The only thing I think I will miss of Spoons is the updates on his GT's subframe. However, I fear that it will be patched up and sold on to some other unsuspecting soul who decides not to take notice of a very knowledgable forum such as this.


Shame he has gone, he certainly stirred things up and increased the "content" of the forum to read.

Ultimately his "advice" often seemed to be backed up only by arrogance and what should be reasoned discussions ended up in childish name-calling. This is bad for a forum when new people are looking for advice and do not know who they can place their trust in. I felt his "don't get a PPI and just use DSR" is a prime example of this.


Shame he has gone, he certainly stirred things up and increased the "content" of the forum to read.

Ultimately his "advice" often seemed to be backed up only by arrogance and what should be reasoned discussions ended up in childish name-calling. This is bad for a forum when new people are looking for advice and do not know who they can place their trust in. I felt his "don't get a PPI and just use DSR" is a prime example of this.
I think that when he was in was in two minds about returning the car or not after finding faults with it a lot told him to return it and find another. The reason being that it wasn't worth the hassle or time. He bought the car to enjoy not a project.
But fair enough, he got a partial refund and turned it into a project car. So good luck and it 7 years time it'll be a Classiche...


I think that when he was in was in two minds about returning the car or not after finding faults with it a lot told him to return it and find another. The reason being that it wasn't worth the hassle or time. He bought the car to enjoy not a project.
But fair enough, he got a partial refund and turned it into a project car. So good luck and it 7 years time it'll be a Classiche...

Zip-tied, wrapped and "patched up fixed by a mate" sounds perfect for Classiche status :D

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Whilst I admired his guts in taking on a project car (even if by mistake) and would have enjoyed the thread and how this forum could have helped him, the silly sod buggered it all up by trying to start a scrap with everyone and forever proving points than either didn't need proving or no-one gave a rat's backside about. Shame. He couldn't have been a good contributor.


Shall we change the thread to 'come back spoons,you are right as we know effall' and watch him achieve the goal of saving a Maserati from copart.


Other sites are available

I assume it’s the full jobbie, it’s 12mins, didn’t watch it, coz well, you probably had to be there.

Sam McGoo


Watched that the other night. Quite interesting.
In the same vein, if anyone hasn't seen 'The Social Dilemma' I'd recommend you do, along with any of your youngsters that don't remember the world before the internet.
Not ground breaking to anyone savvy, but explains in simple terms the potential effect of social media on the general population. And a good reminder to us all, that think we're above manipulation.

Swedish Paul

Watched that the other night. Quite interesting.
In the same vein, if anyone hasn't seen 'The Social Dilemma' I'd recommend you do, along with any of your youngsters that don't remember the world before the internet.
Not ground breaking to anyone savvy, but explains in simple terms the potential effect of social media on the general population. And a good reminder to us all, that think we're above manipulation.
I am above manipulation. I think.


Forum Owner
Well life is about learning and development. It’s good that you lot are discussing it. Next time a character like spoons comes along, think back to this thread and maybe handle such characters in a different way.

As for asking him back, he will still be reading this thread so it’s important for him to learn too and see the errors of his ways.

As I said previously I had no issue with him but being very busy and not following it fully it would appear he asked for advise then ignored it and subsequently defended his decisions which but peoples backs up.