Shipping, compliance etc

As most of you know, I sell Maseratis in UK. I've had a few prospective clients in Australia after cars and am not able to give a price 'to the driveway'. I have spoken to a few people, some compliance, some who ship, but wondered if there's a company who can handle the lot? Any help would be appreciated. These are for 3200, 4200 and possibly GS's in future.


New Member
There is a company in the Melbourne suburb of Braeside called LCS that most people looking at bringing a Maserati over will know of.
If they have not heard of them then they must only be looking for the first time.
The manager is Jim, and has many advertisements at any given time on the Australian eBay website.
If you want his contact details please send me a PM.
Although I arranged shipping myself, I know Jim has used the same UK shipping agent (Elite Shipping) for some of the cars he has brought over.
I can highly recommend Jim from my experience.


New Member
As most of you know, I sell Maseratis in UK. I've had a few prospective clients in Australia after cars and am not able to give a price 'to the driveway'. I have spoken to a few people, some compliance, some who ship, but wondered if there's a company who can handle the lot? Any help would be appreciated. These are for 3200, 4200 and possibly GS's in future.

These guys did my car for me. Everything from collection in the UK through to compliance in Australia. They will also source cars for people if they want. They do a lot of Ferraris as well as Masers. Cheers Geoff


New Member
As most of you know, I sell Maseratis in UK. I've had a few prospective clients in Australia after cars and am not able to give a price 'to the driveway'. I have spoken to a few people, some compliance, some who ship, but wondered if there's a company who can handle the lot? Any help would be appreciated. These are for 3200, 4200 and possibly GS's in future.

I have heard that Sports Leisure Vehicles are very good... but I don't like the look of their customers much!


Very dodgy types indeed.....some even pretend to be bankers


For reference Dicky,

I have done business with PPS a number of times and they are excellent. Not cars mind you... but when your watford crystal turns up each time everytime without any damage on the other side of the world literally and they offer a delivery window of 2 hours on this side to anywhere in Australia I was pretty impressed. I can't get a 2 hour delivery window offered from the big players like FedEx its hard enough getting them to commit to a morning or afternoon drop.

One other point, role on role off is cheaper than crating it. But crating it is not necessarily the best option if you are only shipping a car. Crates are stored like shoe boxes on the ship one on top of the other, when the boats hit rough seas sometimes these crates come lose, cars have been badly damaged all down one side on arrival and depending on level of damage other laws apply in Australia when these vehicles arrive. before anybody asks, yes they do get tied down, but it still happens. On the other hand role on role off tends to be the odd badge stolen from the vehicle or radio's stolen while in transport. There costs are small compared to a whole near side panel shop job... So you take your pick. Also remember most things arrive okay I am simply pointing out the worst.


Hi Dicky

I run a shipping business. However we specialise in humanitarian logistics and only export vehicles now and then. Exporting to Oz is not my area but I am aware of specialists companies as follows who cover this from start to finish.


Thanks Phil and Al. No enquiries from Aussie buyers recently but I'll be more clued up when I do get one. Cheers