Shares to watch


Junior Member
KEFI Gold & Copper are the bane of my life but I'm still hopeful.

Bought in at about 4.5p 7 or 8 years ago and watched my money disappear as their first mining development in Ethiopia was side-lined by civil war. Now down to just over 0.5p but I have carried on buying and got my average down to 1.4p. The market cap is only just over £30m now and yet if they can get the financing of this mine sorted, as promised by the middle of the year it should be many multiples of that, despite multiple share issues to keep it going over recent years. Their other discoveries in Saudi should be bigger and easier to finance but all are under the shadow of the delays to Ethiopia.


There are Bitcoin ETFs now. If you are sleeping too well, you could always invest in one of those!


In 3 months, gold has gone from £1600 to £1850 (very approx), while BTC has gone from £35k to £54k (again, very approx). So if you hold either of these, you’ll be happy right now.

Let’s see what the BTC halving brings. A small peak followed by a sharper correction, possibly. In which case, that might be a good time to dive in to then old for the medium term (12-24 months).


In 3 months, gold has gone from £1600 to £1850 (very approx), while BTC has gone from £35k to £54k (again, very approx). So if you hold either of these, you’ll be happy right now.

Let’s see what the BTC halving brings. A small peak followed by a sharper correction, possibly. In which case, that might be a good time to dive in to then old for the medium term (12-24 months).
Im a touch it feel it kind of guy Ewan and I only advocate holding physical gold, due to age and lack of in depth knowledge all the rest such as BTC to me is all smoke and mirrors and can be taken away in a puff of smoke as in what happened to SBF.........but hey what ever floats ones boat


I can understand the security in gold. It will go up and down in value, but can’t disappear if it’s hidden under your bed (metaphorically). Always a safe long term bet, though can be a very boring low-yield investment for years at a time. Tends only to give a return in times of financial trouble (like now!).

The point of BTC is that it is not controlled by the will of a government. So unlike currencies that can be devalued in a heartbeat and lose value over time due to inflation, BTC is a global asset with a limited supply. Ultimately, therefore, it can seen as a far safer bet. (Of course, it’s value will still go up and down with demand, but no individual or government can make it disappear.) Best to view it as an asset, rather than a currency. So more like investing in a Picasso or a vintage Ferrari, etc.

Investment banks have poured billions into it over the last two months (since the ETF ruling), with lots of worthy “experts“ expecting it to be a good long term investment. For what it’s worth, I expect it to go down later this spring/summer, then pick up again by the end of the year. I’d not be surprised if it doubled in value by the end of next year. So for me, it’s a hold (and potential buy), and I’ll be happy to ride out any dips on the journey.


I dont have the mental capacity to disagree with any of the salient points you make Ewan , but what is to stop the SBF scenario all over again or similar to the Post Office/Post Master scandal of manipulation/fraud by the back room boys ................All of our historical global/national business transactions were always held together by trust and the fact that we all held the law in high regard such a degree that probably in the region of 99% of all transactions went through as they should , but increasingly the lying cheating stealing scumbugs in recent governments have destroyed such credibility and produced a dog eat dog society to worldwide level.........

The present true value of gold if it had not been suppressed by the regulatory bodies should be in the region of $3000 an ounce and as things continue to get worse it will reach that level and higher, all currencies are struggling with national debts at all time record highs, and some analysts saying its unsustainable then something soon will break. Not wanting to spout doom and gloom but the future looks bleak. Look after No1 and family is all the advice I can give , prep for the worst eventualities if you can afford it by off grid power, food stores. Likely hood and hopefully it wont come to that not in the next 5 years but Labour will do what labour have done in the past and by the end of the term is when i think things will deteriorate and will coincide with the European territorial events.

A wise ruthless person without scruples would obviously invest high tech munitions and drones or military supply procurement item, as sure as eggs are eggs thats where we seem to be heading


The SBF scenario was nothing to do with crypto and all about old fashioned theft. Indeed FTX was a centralised exchange, which goes completely against the decentralised nature of crypto. Don't keep your money on centralised exchanges as a repeat of FTX is always possible. That said, some of the centralised exchanges are now publishing audited proof of reserves, which can go some way to making you feel more comfortable.

Obviously crypto is risky and volatile, but the risk vs reward ratio is unmatched anywhere else.


I can understand the security in gold. It will go up and down in value, but can’t disappear if it’s hidden under your bed (metaphorically). Always a safe long term bet, though can be a very boring low-yield investment for years at a time. Tends only to give a return in times of financial trouble (like now!).

The point of BTC is that it is not controlled by the will of a government. So unlike currencies that can be devalued in a heartbeat and lose value over time due to inflation, BTC is a global asset with a limited supply. Ultimately, therefore, it can seen as a far safer bet. (Of course, it’s value will still go up and down with demand, but no individual or government can make it disappear.) Best to view it as an asset, rather than a currency. So more like investing in a Picasso or a vintage Ferrari, etc.

Investment banks have poured billions into it over the last two months (since the ETF ruling), with lots of worthy “experts“ expecting it to be a good long term investment. For what it’s worth, I expect it to go down later this spring/summer, then pick up again by the end of the year. I’d not be surprised if it doubled in value by the end of next year. So for me, it’s a hold (and potential buy), and I’ll be happy to ride out any dips on the journey.
So what are the potential risks of bitcoin? For sure, it’s been by far the best investment since launched, unless bought and sold at the wrong times of course!

Losing it through hacking? Although that may be your own fault for not storing it properly.
Government regulation on its use to favour their own CBDC, which they are all desperate to introduce?
Could they do something like increase CGT to 90% or something?
Or is that all just nonsense!

Phil H

I can understand the security in gold. It will go up and down in value, but can’t disappear if it’s hidden under your bed (metaphorically).
Oh sh1t; no one told me it was metaphorically. My poor bl00dy back.............