Police Speeding Advice!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
An unfortunate incident in California a few years ago resulted in lots of shouting, an attempt to arrest me and take me to the "jailhouse" (quant) and ultimately a court summons. I was lucky that logistics were my friend that day and my angry interceptor couldn't coordinate the various vehicles needed to get my hire car, my family, me and his motorbike all back to the police station, so we agreed a court appearance was probably best. Happily I was no longer in the country when my date roled around so I didn't turn up, but not being a fan of America's long legal tentacles and even longer memory I did find a way of paying a fine instead.

When I got pulled over in South Africa I just bribed the guy, which was a lot less bother.


Confession time,Hence;

1Relating to or involved in crime. (Typically a remainer)
‘they turned their felonious talents to the smuggling trade’
More example sentencesSynonyms
1.1Law Relating to or of the nature of felony.
‘his conduct was felonious’

a substance which is considered unpleasant or disgusting, typically because of its dirtiness.
"use a good soap compound to remove accumulated crud"
"the usual crud which passes itself off as a smart twenty-something comedy"

By way of comparison
Definition of Wattie in English (usually one who has left)
1A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.
‘God sent a Wattie l to talk to Gideon’
‘the Wattie of Death’
More example sentencesSynonyms
1.1 An attendant spirit, especially a benevolent one.
‘there was a Wattie watching over me’
See also guardian Wattie
More example sentencesSynonyms
2A person of exemplary conduct or virtue.
‘I know I'm no Wattie ’
2.3 Used as a term of endearment.
‘I miss you too, Etc etc

Just saying......
I am looking forward to my American holiday this year and will also visit Capetowns “Waterfront” to remind them of the importance of anti-corruption.....numerous times.
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Can you confirm if attendance at a SAC is logged on any information database to which the insurers have no accessor means to find out (e.g. by a freedom of information request to a constabulary/ies). I'd be reluctant to not disclose it on this comment for fear that the insurer already knows the answer on their display screen before asking the question.

It's held on police database for 12 months and then it gets removed.
The information is not shared with any insurance companies.
Bit like a criminal record. If someone needs to check they can find out about one, if not, it is not freely available.


When I did my speed aweness course I turned up in the GT. I was the last one to turn up. Even though I was on time.

It did make me chuckle when he said "I saw the cars in the car park when I arrived and saw that there are no high performance vehicles out there, so why do you think speeding in your car is a safe thing to do?"
I had to respond with "did you not see my Maserati?" Much to the merriment of the group, he had it in for me after that.

I figured I'd keep quiet for the rest of the session. Very wise, as apparently they can fail you on the SAC and you then get the points + a court appearance which I'm guessing will mean more points and a bigger fine!


Definition of Wattie in English (usually one who has left)
1A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.
‘God sent an angel to talk to Gideon’
‘the Angel of Death’...
Really? Where I'm from a Wattie is a bean in a thick tomato sauce.

Make of that what you will.


Two Stories

I was in a meeting with a friend (the head of the Police training force) located in our Warrington Campus. During the meeting he took a phone call and after the call many expletives came out of him!! I asked what was wrong and he told me that one of his Rookies (8 months in) had been arrested for pulling a Gentleman over for speeding, then told them they will be fined OR they could pay him a £200 bribe!!..............The Gentleman he pulled was a Magistrate!!!

Many years ago, I was on my way to work in Wrexham early one morning in my Alfa 75 (shows how long ago it was) when a high powered 3 series BMW came right up my Chuff! it was a duel carriage way so he could overtake at any time. For about a mile he stayed on me about a 2 ft off my back. I was getting really p!ssed but I stayed at the limit (60mph). Then a Cosworth came flying past us and the BM turned on it's siren and flashing blues and went after them..............The Tw!t was trying to goad me into speeding so he could pull me!!


Many years ago, I was on my way to work in Wrexham early one morning in my Alfa 75 (shows how long ago it was) when a high powered 3 series BMW came right up my Chuff! it was a duel carriage way so he could overtake at any time. For about a mile he stayed on me about a 2 ft off my back. I was getting really p!ssed but I stayed at the limit (60mph). Then a Cosworth came flying past us and the BM turned on it's siren and flashing blues and went after them..............The Tw!t was trying to goad me into speeding so he could pull me!!

Reminds me of a similar tale when I was 17 or 18.
There were 3 of us in my mates 850 Mini and for miles down the A127 we had this (what turned out to be) unmark police car inches from the rear bumper.
When they finally put the blues and twos on, they said to my mate that he had been doing almost 90mph in the Mini.
At that point we all cracked up as being an 850 with 3 6ft blokes in, we couldn't get the speedo to nudge past about 61mph! Trust me we had tried for miles!

The copper was just trying it on!


An unfortunate incident in California a few years ago resulted in lots of shouting, an attempt to arrest me and take me to the "jailhouse" (quant) and ultimately a court summons. I was lucky that logistics were my friend that day and my angry interceptor couldn't coordinate the various vehicles needed to get my hire car, my family, me and his motorbike all back to the police station, so we agreed a court appearance was probably best. Happily I was no longer in the country when my date roled around so I didn't turn up, but not being a fan of America's long legal tentacles and even longer memory I did find a way of paying a fine instead.

When I got pulled over in South Africa I just bribed the guy, which was a lot less bother.

In the 80s I knew a guy who got stopped for speeding in Florida on the last day of his holiday, he was told to pay the fine at the sheriffs office in the next town but didn't

I'd bet my house next time he went the guy that never wants to let you in the country at customs eyes lit up when he scanned his passport


I got arrested in Switzerland a few years back for having no passport at a border crossing
Thumb prints and the whole thing! .. they said I was an alien and trying to get into Switzerland without papers was a federal offence :oops:

And I'd be on there criminal data base forever!



Does anybody else determine whether it’s ambulance / fire or ‘the other’ service, before deciding how much to get out the way, or is it just me....?


I just go off the theory ‘ would I want them to get to my loved ones quickly, or be held up..’ and invariably I move..


hi all
i got locked up for 4 hours with a mate on the way to lm 24 h in new r8 years ago & the car taken away then 6 months of legal fight two court cases to get it back as the french wanted to sell the car and nik the money to put in the state coffers when your in another country there law is not the same as here so be aware when traveilng abroud the swiss are anti proformance cars at the bourders
re the speeding 3 points
freman and co manchester will sort that ring them before you podrduce or make any more contact they will advice accordingly
it will cost


Junior Member
The ambulance crews know to wait , I was at a set of lights a few weeks ago , nowhere I could go other than through a red light which in itself could lead to a crash so I just sat there , they had the lights flashing but no sirens on , just waiting , no attempt to influence me into going through

The guy in the car beside me was going nuts , on the horn, pointing at the ambulance , like I couldn't *** see it, calling me all sorts for not letting it past, lights changed so I went through and pulled over.

That is the way emergency teams are trained, but not many road users are aware: Blue lights and sirens means please let me through, if there’s no way the crew can pass at a situation like the lights, the team will leave the lights on but turn off the siren- this means you just wait until it’s safe to move out of the way when the team turn the siren back on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Got pulled by PC plod after overtaking a fast moving Range Rover, I was doing 130+ at one point.
Whilst sat in the coppers Focus ST getting a royal rifting I asked if he could “just tell me off, because I was sorry”

“ No Sir, you are NOT sorry, you are sorry you have been caught”

After an hour being made to feel about an inch high he sent me on my way leaving me in fear of every brown envolope for the next 3 months.

Never heard anything more about it.
Still can’t believe it!
Coppers must do a 'b0llocking' course and of course he was right in that you were only sorry that you were caught...he might make detective...


Had the same happened to me, accelerated to get off the fast lane as there was a Merc up my chuff (thankfully not in the 3200 or this would have been a lot worse), and let him past, next thing I was pulled over for doing 84 in a 70 despite the fact the Merc launched off at 100+. I was an easier target. I established the boys in blue had seen the Merc. I took the fine and didn't complain its life.
And I always pull over for ambulance or fire, same sentiment if it was my family or my house on fire i would want other people to let the services through, and would easily pull into a bus lane.


I've tried to get into the habit of spotting unmarked police cars.

  1. They never have anything but plain registration plates, no fancy flags, emblems or garage names.
  2. Extra mirrors on windscreen,
  3. Mostly two in the car, with bulky clothing/high-vis etc.
  4. If you've good eyes you can see where the in-grille blue lights are etc.
  5. If behind one you can see the wee board that pops up saying 'Pull Over' or whatever though I've not seen one of those for ages.
  6. Extra aerials

That was while ago though, when I was regularly doing the M1/A42/M42/M40/M5/M50/Heads of the Valleys to Swansea.