Not sure I like these wheels


New Member
Bl00dy h3ll you're a hard crowd to please!! :D

Each to their own and all that?

All the mods would easily be reversed, indeed the owner may have all the bits to return it to stock.

I don't like it either, but I applause the fact that the owner at least engaged with his motor car and he's not hiding anything in the sales literature.

My initial concern viewing just the advert would be the price / mileage, not the mods.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Purity, Catman, purity! :laughing: If it keeps it on the road and well maintained that can only be a good thing. So long as the stick-ons can be unstuck afterwards so as not to deter any future potential owner with differing tastes.

I maintain my position on the sideways baseball cap, though, and add to the list backsides which poke out of the top of jeans. But perhaps we're at risk of offering opinions on fashion faux-pax rather than Maseratii, and God knows I'm in no position to provide any informed opinion there!