New F1 season - 2022


Looks like it's back to the years of Red Bull domination with a snotty brat behind the wheel


Well yes, if you’re a Hamilton fan the race was not that interesting. The first 8 laps were very entertaining but after lap 14 it was clear that only a DNF would stop Max - I wouldn’t call him a brat though, this was a masterclass by a very mature driver, his team mate was well behind. The end was also entertaining with Russell/Sainz and the slapstick LeClerc attempt at fastest Lap. Plus it was fun watching Alonso.


@Tallman As a long term F1 viewer I am disappointed it has gone from MB dominance straight back to Red Bull....not sure if you were watching back then but for 4 years it was the Red Bull Seb Vettel show

I was expecting this new formula to bring the gap between the back of the grid and the front closer but clearly the FIA have failed in their objective of closer racing if a car get to 1st from 14th within 8 laps and is nearly 100 points clear in the wdc with half the season left. But yeah sure the Hamilton years were boring...
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The first part of the race was quite interesting. This race apart, the dominance of RB has mostly been due to Ferrari squandering their chances when they have an advantage or just having plain bad luck.

It’s a shame, but like Tom Jones syndrome, it’s not unusual. Still, hope springs eternal :)


Didn’t watch the race…did they mention this……keeping up with the Ferrari?

The man operating the flyboard was French inventor Franky Zapata. He said:
"I've done a lot of challenges from zero to 400 metres or with a u-turn. This is an area in which I feel comfortable with the flyboarder.
"It accelerates very fast and turns very well. On the other hand, over long distances, such as here, with a very huge top speed, I don't go beyond 200m/h. So it can be complicated. It's always a pleasure to fly here. I love flying on F1 circuits.The view is amazing.
"Of course I don't have much time to admire the view. I have to stay focus on my turns. The flyboarder requires a lot of concentration. But the circuit is magnificent, the scenery is exceptional."

Thats ballsy……or completely mad!
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@Tallman As a long term F1 viewer I am disappointed it has gone from MB dominance straight back to Red Bull....not sure if you were watching back then but for 4 years it was the Red Bull Seb Vettel show

I was expecting this new formula to bring the gap between the back of the grid and the front closer but clearly the FIA have failed in their objective of closer racing if a car get to 1st from 14th within 8 laps and is nearly 100 points clear in the wdc with half the season left. But yeah sure the Hamilton years were boring...
It reminds me a bit of 2018/9 when Ferrari was in a very good position with a good car and they or the drivers (Vettel) screwed up. Remember Leclerc was up 48 points or so. Ferrari has had the lead in a number of races and screwed up or had reliability problems. They had the fastest car until very recently and there was a lot of close racing. However Red Bull and Max have made the most of their opportunities with faultless driving and strategy as well as consistency and reliability. That is what has gotten them in front, not necessarily having the fastest car. That came with the last 2 races but again you have to hand it to Max. Perez only managed 2nd in the same car starting well ahead of his teammate In Spa and managing only 6th in Hungary starting just behind Max.


It reminds me a bit of 2018/9 when Ferrari was in a very good position with a good car and they or the drivers (Vettel) screwed up. Remember Leclerc was up 48 points or so. Ferrari has had the lead in a number of races and screwed up or had reliability problems. They had the fastest car until very recently and there was a lot of close racing. However Red Bull and Max have made the most of their opportunities with faultless driving and strategy as well as consistency and reliability. That is what has gotten them in front, not necessarily having the fastest car. That came with the last 2 races but again you have to hand it to Max. Perez only managed 2nd in the same car starting well ahead of his teammate In Spa and managing only 6th in Hungary starting just behind Max.

Ferrari were cheating by putting fuel into their oil which is against the rules. They were lucky that they didn't have their points stripped from them for the entire season that year.

Regarding your comments on the wonder boy "Super Max".... It's easy when you are number 1 driver in the best car just like LH, Le Clerc or go back further Vettel, Jenson button... Alonso, Schumacher and so on ;)

Formula 1 is not a competitive drivers series, it's more of an engineering category
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Well that was an entertaining race again with plenty of drama. With Mercedes in the mix strategy is not as enough of a sure bet as with just 2 teams. Hamilton was unlucky with the safety cars but Max was pretty quick and to be seen if he would have caught and passed Lewis without any safety cars. Faultless race again by Max and Red Bull and as usual Ferrari were their own worst enemy with Sainz.


Hamiltons luck with safety cars is unbelievable but an entertaining race.

Ferrari will be bringing some upgrades to the next race



Colton Herta better start training his neck for F1

I have been watching him since his rookie season in Indycar 3 seasons ago. He has a lot of raw pace but I would say is far from a complete driver package.

He has often lost his rag and stuck it into the wall on street circuits when things have not gone his way from pole or podium positions. Street circuits and smaller twisty circuits (or road courses as the Americans call them) seem to be his speciality but he does ok on the rest.

It will be interesting how he does without his old man as chief strategist of the team, Herta once raced in British F4 so he will be familiar with the likes of Lando Norris and others... He was known for being a bit of a nutter back then apparently.