Maserati logo on cyclists' jerseys


Is anyone into competitive cycling?

In Regent's Park I see a big team of road cyclists training regularly. They are all dressed in black with white trident logos. The tridents look remarkably like the Maserati logo but the word 'Maserati' doesn't show anywhere.

They are all wearing exactly the same strip so it's unlikely to be an amateur club with that level of uniform. They are also travelling at immense speed so I'm unable to ask them ;)

I've tried Googling it but can't find any info.

Do Maserati sponsor a race team?


Special case
Maybe this is the governments 'three pronged attack' on the recent spate of cyclists killing themselves under busses and lorries in London... 6 in the last week!


Sorry Newton...the blame always lies with the vehicle...........don't care what the cyclist does....its down to cars/lorries/buses to imagine its their mother/dad/sister/daughter on the bike....proceed with extreme caution

I think its as bad as all those kids murder by carers/loved ones.............cyclists being killed on roads



Special case
I cannot wholly agree there Frank, two were taken out on the Bow roundabout in 24 hours and at least 4 on the same junction in the last 6 months. If you stood at this junction for just one traffic light sequence in the rush hour you would count over twenty cyclists jumping the lights having shot down the inside = suicide nothing less.

To balance that a bit they arrested a bus driver in Romford this week on a DOUBLE MURDER charge as he drove the bus at two 80+ pensioners crossing the road... Beggars belief!


We will disagree Newton on this......pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists must be given priority at all times.........sure people do stupid things and put themselves at risk but.....if a truck/bus driver cant see whats inside him.....then stop...get out and look......same as any other big vehicle used does when he can't see all the space hes about to use



Sorry Frank, have to strongly agree with Newton. Cyclists in London (particularly in London) often do stupid things, and are sometimes responsible for their own deaths. It simply isn't always possible for a vehicle to stop, or even see the cyclist when they behave recklessly. That's why there are accidents - some people are just too stupid/careless to be allowed on the roads, regardless of their mode of transport.

Ex-cycle coach, btw. I'd love to be able to support the cyclists 100%, but I can't.


Ok, Drew....people need protected both from others and at times, themselves.....if you crash a car....99% of time your pretty much un scathed, simple mistake by you or others as a cyclist/pedestrian....99% dead!

Sure there are always idiots, but humans are very fragile.....vehicles for me onus always on the car /bus/lorry driver



There's a bit of a 'downward spiralling' of ill feeling between motorists and cyclists. This makes both view each other with default suspicion or contempt. I often feel cyclists are rude, arrogant and have a chip on their shoulder. I believe they often misbehave with pedestrians (there's definitely a pecking order here :) ). Having said that, I probably go out of my way to look for examples that reenforce my assumptions. Probably some cyclists do the same of me.

However in the final reckoning, I have to agree with Parisien, there is very little recourse for a cyclist in the event of contact so the onus is on the car/lorry/bus driver. I always try to give the cyclist the space/birth option to proceed with minimal danger. After all, they are the ones who are going to save our planet!


Yep - agree with you there - it's a lot safer inside a car!

Since I have a foot in both camps, I've always viewed it in this way - on the bike, expect every car to be on the verge of hurting you. In the car, expect every cyclist to have blissful ignorance of your presence, and imagine how you would want to be treated, if the positions are reversed. As you say, I can't imagine a cyclist ever hurting me if I'm in a car.


Mowlas how could you....................

Society has to protect those less able, look after or make the wrong decisions for whatever reason in certain circumstances

Seatbelts/safety improvements in cars have saved 1000s of lives over the last 20yrs, we need now to work on upping the level of respect and understanding for others in our society...not liking them or getting angry can't be used as excuses to treat people as "enemies" when you are in a position of safety/ longer washes



Not wishing to gang up, and probably going to regret this: As an ex-biker and observer of human nature, adults need to take responsibility for their own actions at all times.
That puts me, I'm afraid, squarely with Newton and Drew :(



Cycled through Central London every working day for five years and the cyclist side if me was constantly arguing with the driver side of me...they really didn't get on at all.

I don't cycle through red lights, and have nothing but contempt for those who do. As a cyclist you have more need for care and being sensible at busy junctions than ever, but the arrogance and care free attitude of some who think they are being cool or clever is just basic fsck-wittedness. I have no sympathy for them, but despair at the way they make drivers think about cyclists in general so that the drivers end up frustrated and treat a kid or a sane rider in the same way they treat one of the super-ninja-Lycra-clad sick b'stards who actually deserve it.

Hmmmm, looks like I still have issues.
: )


Mowlas how could you....................

Society has to protect those less able, look after or make the wrong decisions for whatever reason in certain circumstances

Seatbelts/safety improvements in cars have saved 1000s of lives over the last 20yrs, we need now to work on upping the level of respect and understanding for others in our society...not liking them or getting angry can't be used as excuses to treat people as "enemies" when you are in a position of safety/ longer washes


I think you did not read my post carefully but I was agreeing with you that the onus is on the car/lorry/bus driver to give cyclists space and be careful!!

Also I admitted that my prejudices about cyclists were about having an assumption and trying to re-enforce those assumptions (unreasonably). I cannot think for one moment my post was endorsing making of enemies - quite the opposite!

So at the moment I seem to be the only one agreeing with you.
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Special case
I didn't want to prod a hornet nest but clearly I have. Frank, London seems to have developed a sub species of cyclist in recent years who treat the Highway Code with comets contempt and yet wouldn't dream of doing the same in their cars at other times. The London roads are rediculouly over capacity leading to added frustrations for everyone.

I really want the police and other agencies to come down heavy on cyclists to resolve this at least in part. I can just imagine a scammel driver jumping out to check the near side before turning left and missing the lights, repeating ad nausium....


Cycled through Central London every working day for five years and the cyclist side if me was constantly arguing with the driver side of me...they really didn't get on at all.

Chris, I'm with you.

I'm a Maserati-owning petrol-head, I love cars. I also cycle at least once a day - was up at 05:45 this morning to do a few laps of Regent's Park with my mates. I also own a motorbike and motor-scooter.

There are idiots in each mode of transport - simply because people are people.

The difference is when drivers do silly things (and they do) we learn from their mistakes and put Shell-grip on the roads, we modify junctions, we remove trees from the roadside, we add Armco all over the place to stop them bumping into each other. When cyclists do silly things (and they do) we say it's all their fault and they deserve to die.

This is asymmetric thinking.

I find Newton's first post above offensive. Cyclists are not throwing themselves under HGVs. The Met's own figures show that driver error is responsible for 80% of all motor/cycle collisions, cyclists are responsible for 8% and the balance unattributed. We don't have the coroners' details yet but the six cyclists who have been killed recently, who are all someone's father, brother, husband, mother, daughter, wife, almost certainly did not throw themselves under the HGVs.

Anyway, back on topic: so no one knows anything about a Maserati cycle team?


Cycled through Central London every working day for five years and the cyclist side if me was constantly arguing with the driver side of me...they really didn't get on at all.

I don't cycle through red lights, and have nothing but contempt for those who do. As a cyclist you have more need for care and being sensible at busy junctions than ever, but the arrogance and care free attitude of some who think they are being cool or clever is just basic fsck-wittedness. I have no sympathy for them, but despair at the way they make drivers think about cyclists in general so that the drivers end up frustrated and treat a kid or a sane rider in the same way they treat one of the super-ninja-Lycra-clad sick b'stards who actually deserve it.

Hmmmm, looks like I still have issues.
: )

Spot on.

As a commuter cyclist and a motorist, I see both sides. Some cyclists are tools of the highest order, which then makes an awful lot of motorists view cyclists as fair game. I've seen some shockingly inconsiderate dirving while being on my pushbike. A suitable punishment for the inconsiderate ones would be to make them cycle across London.

I expect it would change some attitudes.


Special case

I used to cycle tour all over the country as a youth and would cycle now if I had working knees. I am a biker before a petrol head but don't ride motorbikes any more for the same reason. I apologise if I offended you personally and I have experienced my fair share of family and friend tragedy over the years. I would suggest to anyone to experience the madness that is the Mile End Road (Bow Flyover junction) during the rush hour to see just how daft the bike Super Highway is when the people it is aimed at just ignore the rules that would make it and them safer.

The bike lanes have now made it impossible to see the traffic lights on the London bound side of the roundabout until you are 6' from them and even then you have to be concentrating on them alone. Add to that a bike that thinks he can jump them anyway and disaster is inevitable, another family loses its dad, son, brother and friend.


Cyclists need to be shot, especially the ones in town.

They jump red lights, ride the wrong way down one way streets, they ride when drunk, they use pavements, they hurl abuse at all other traffic that are obeying the rules of the road, they dress in stupid clothes, they ride on roads they don't pay for and have no insurance should they crash into you.

Maybe not all but a lot!!

The above maybe a tad harsh and drivers should take some responsibility but a lot of cyclists don't help themselves.


Oh and I had forgotten Cyclists wearing headphones, how can they possible know what is going on around them if they can't hear due to the tunes playing in their ears!!!


One or none agreeing with me aint the point......innocents being killed for no good reason...........these are human beings we are talking about ......

Mowlas was your last point you worries....:)