Main Dealer charging


I'm researching the early service history of my 2006 QP. My local dealer (Meridien Modena) happily told me what they knew, giving me the dates of the services they had completed.

Knowing that Dick Lovett had also serviced this car in the past I contacted them. They told me that my car did indeed show on their system, but that there would be a £30 charge for them to provide me the information.

That's right - £30 - for information on my own car!

Is it just me, or does anybody else find this a strange attitude for a main dealer to take? As a serial buyer/owner of Ferrari and Maserati vehicles I'd have thought that such a simple service would have been at no charge.

And this a few days after Graypaul gave out nice goodie-bags for participants (including myself) in the Maserati Club Concours at the weekend.

Just goes to show the differences between dealers I suppose.

Your collective thoughts are welcome.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Knowing that Dick Lovett had also serviced this car in the past I contacted them. They told me that my car did indeed show on their system, but that there would be a £30 charge for them to provide me the information.

That's right - £30 - for information on my own car!

Is that the same Dick Lovett that so warmly welcomed a number of SMers to a coffee and cakes open morning a month or so back? And them a forum sponsor, as well! I would have thought that as a "family friend", so to say, they would gladly help enthusiasts such as everyone here to dig a bit deeper into the history of their cars. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be too much of a burden to find and print the details for you. £30 indeed. Daylight robbery.


Well, just to balance the discussion a little...
I have nothing but praise for Dick Lovetts (and other main dealers which I will go into in a seperate thread in a couple of days).
I can only say it as I find it, DL have been Very, Very competitive on pricing for me, and also done work for zero cost, (such as adjusting the door catch on the passenger side).
It is not unusual to be charged for 'paperwork' relating to a car, I think it depends on the relationship you have with a particular person or dealership, I have been sent info for free,
like the modis report from Mandy at Maranello, and have been charged for other info, such as £30 by Tony Willis who is the custodian of the Ferrari archive.


It is, after all *their* data, and they need to do the work not only to extract and present, but to keep, secure, and comply with the relevant laws.

Pay money <> take choice IMHO.


Felonious Crud

Staff member
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big DL fan - found them hugely helpful when I nearly bought a car from them. Streets ahead of all the other MDs from a pre-sales point of view (I can't comment on anything else but have never read anything but positive comments on here). It just surprises me that any dealer which sells cars for many tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds would want to charge thirty quid for printing out a service record.


Dick Lovett....BMW/Ferrari/Maserati/Porsche.....Have had great experiences with all....If I was to use a main dealer DL would be the one.


Yeah...suppose they got fed up with people asking.........and a good way of putting people off is to charge them for the info...what do other high end dealers do?



I should add that the charge is only payable because I was not the owner at the time the work was done. So therefore it can't be put down to their own costs of keeping/finding the information. If the owner at that time asked for it, it would be free. Because it's me asking, it's £30. I'd like to see that justified.

The owner of the car at that time is currently overseas, but when he comes back I may ask him to request the information, just to highlight the absurdity of this policy.

Please note I have nothing but praise for the main dealers - I've always had very good service from those that I've used, namely Meridien Modena, Graypaul and Maranello. But it appears my first dealings with DL highlight the difference in policy/attitude from garage to garage.


If I was their accountant I would query why we were expending all this time and effort providing copies of stuff customers are either too lazy or too disorganised to keep safely in the first place. If they want extra copies they can bl00dy well pay for them.

If I was their marketing man I'd be saying providing this thirty quid's worth of admin will reach out and create more goodwill with a potential customer than thousands spent on an open-day. Make sure you get the customer's email and mobile details while you have him on the phone.

Sadly it seems the accountant was the last person to brief the chap who answered your phone call.


I should add that the charge is only payable because I was not the owner at the time the work was done. So therefore it can't be put down to their own costs of keeping/finding the information. If the owner at that time asked for it, it would be free. Because it's me asking, it's £30. I'd like to see that justified.

That doesn't follow, I'm afraid. It still costs to keep that data. That needs to be recouped somewhere. If they chose to not charge one group, but another than that's their call.



I agree that what they decide to do with their information on my car is their call. I just struggle to see a sensible justification for their current stance, which amounts to free information for the ex-owner, and charged information for the actual owner. I suppose they realise that only the actual owner would want the information, so only the actual owner might be willing to pay. All I'm saying is that it sits a little uneasily with me. Strangely I've often spent several thousand pounds per service at such dealerships, and suffered depreciation of over £1000 a month for years, but this particular silly little charge just grates.

By the way, the lady I exchanged emails with at DL was very prompt and helpful. She is simply following policy, so no blame should be laid at my point of contact.


Good points Ewan...whatever happen good customer service and going the extra mile.....this sort of penny pinching doesn't make shows them all up in a poor light



Dealers are a funny bunch! Meridien who serviced my car several times in the past were only too happy to supply copies of all invoices(had to get permission from the previous owner at the time) and have invited me to several do's yet I have personally spent nil there.

Joe Macari fixed my car last year through my insurance costing 12k yet I never hear anything from them


Forum Owner
I am sure if you speak to Paul Cotrell and explain you are a forum member you will receive extra perks, if you get me!


I have come in to work this morning and received a very nice email from Paul Cottrell. He has explained that the policy is relatively new, and is designed more for motor traders than private owners, so the charge was not supposed to apply to me. Consequently Paul has kindly given me the service record details they hold for my car.

Full marks must go to Paul and DL for helping me and showing good customer care. Clearly there was just a minor internal misunderstanding, which is all now sorted.

I am delighted to publicly thank Paul (and Hannah) at DL for their assistance.

Felonious Crud

Staff member

Good news Ewan and hats off to decent, reasonable motor-traders everywhere. Especially DL, the darling of SM. :goodjob:


I have come in to work this morning and received a very nice email from Paul Cottrell. He has explained that the policy is relatively new, and is designed more for motor traders than private owners, so the charge was not supposed to apply to me. Consequently Paul has kindly given me the service record details they hold for my car.

Full marks must go to Paul and DL for helping me and showing good customer care. Clearly there was just a minor internal misunderstanding, which is all now sorted.

I am delighted to publicly thank Paul (and Hannah) at DL for their assistance.

Dealers do read SM then


Am sure quite a few do......but we only represent the 2nd/3/4/5th owners of their older cars( see the owners list)....whereas they are only really interested in potential new buyers or those buying 2/3 year old cars under warranty....