LHD 3200 For sale in Bristol


On Auto Trader at Sub £14K a LHD 3200 in Bristol.

As they sell for in excess of 29k euro in France/Italy etc, this could be ideal if you just want your GT for your Euro trips...keep for 2 years and sell in Europe and get your money + a return.

One for Big Foot?



Is the same one on the other side for sale Pete. Why are they not trying to sell abroad as surely it's not going to sell over her for that money.....You idea does sound a good one though.


New Member
Any details/link on that LHD 3200?

I think reselling it wouldn't be a great idea but for potential reregistration in a couple years when/if I relocate to France... :)


There may be no profit in selling it abroad, whoever buys it will have to import it to which ever country they are resident in, and pay import tax & local vehicle tax, which may actually make it cheaper to buy localy.


New Member
I wonder if anyone has looked at all the prices and import duty of eurepean maserati prices.
for example buy it in a cheap country and import into country with low import duty but expensive cars


We have had a little discussion I think on a previous thread Andrew.
If you are talking about new cars, there is some advantages to buying new in other european countries & exporting to the UK. but check carefuly , not all european countries have the same base cost & the spec for each country may differ , so it may not be apples for apples.
the only example I can give you is my experience buying in Holland & importing into The UK.
I started by deciding what car & then put together a list of options I wanted on it. I touted that round dealers in the uk, Ireland & holland. I told the dealers in Ireland & holland that I wanted to be tax free for Export, I also told the dealers in holland that I wanted Right hand drive & English documentation, this is an exrta cost that obviously wont figure in from the UK & Irish dealers.
the cost in the uk was 44k ( pounds) on the road. the cost in Ireland was 55k ( euro ) the cost in holland was 44k ( euro )
the dutch price included a 7 day registration.

the only other cost to import it to the uk was the VAT, 17.5%, and the dvla registration cost, about 160 quid.

it was that simple.
however, that was M.B. and they warrenty there cars through out europe, so I had no problems servicing the car & having any warrenty issues sorted at a british MB dealer.
I dont know that all manufacturers are like this. If I go to a maserati dealer in Holland or Belgium next time I am over I dont think I would be suprised if they told me that If I want a RHD maserati I shoud go to England.


As far as I am aware there will be no import dutes to pay bringing a second hand car into France as long as it was purchased in the EU.

You will need to regester it in the new locality in France and get a new reg No., but that is no different to any other car in France.


That may be the case in France Peter, thats what I mean by checking carefuly. It's not the same in Holland or Ireland. When I lived in Holland I had to import my Brit reg car, I had to pay import tax & car tax, as well as get the headlights changed and get it through the dutch equivalent of the MOT.
when I lived in Ireland, only a few years ago, if I imported a car from outside Ireland I had to have been the owner for a few years or else I would pay a hefty lump of VRT, which is based on what the goverment value the car at.
so ,as I said, check carefuly. we are not yet a federal europe, diferent countries, diferent taxation.


New Member
I also had a look on the web and general view is that if you are a resident there is no vat to pay from one eu country to another on used cars.