Lambo - A day in the life of...


Forum Owner
Well, an interesting morning.

I returned home this morning after being away for the night to find some kind soul had left a Lamboghini Bilboni 550/2 on my driveway!

The weather could not have been much worse, a boat would have been more fitting.

So, shower, cereal and armed with clean underwear, I embarked upon one of the more eventful school runs of my fatherhood.

The car has a very grand sense of occasion that surround it and a terrific BARK upon start up.

So, once I familiarise myself with the controls and adjust myself to take in the offset pedal arrangement, brake, up right paddle, SPORT naturally, handbrake off and away we go.

The rain was 'persisting down' at this point so there were never going to be any heroics.

The Lambo pulled cleanly without fuss and got on with the job of 'Dads Taxi', taking it all in her stride. Upon pulling up outside the small school, I could feel the eyes burning into me. They already think I am a show off as most of them drive Renault Scenics, Landrovers and other such family wagons. So, as you an image, most of my fellow mums and dads think I am either a lottery winner of a crook.

Freya, my 8 year old daughter, commented: "its just like your car'....well, she got the colour I suppose, bless her.

So, fatherly duties dispatched, I clambered my sodden body back into what can only be described as a cockpit and set off to the detailer round the corner to check progress on my beauty and to give the detailer the heads up on the state of Dans which he just said "Christ"

My GTS was at the end of the hanger/unit in the photography area. My paintwork was also in a state, well, till the detailer had waved his magic hands. Mine it appears is going to take an extra day so it looks like I am stuck with the Lambo for another day, oh well, the hardship of life hey.

So, I set off to work as I have a 9.30 with David (Le Mans/Corvette) and I was running 10 mins early, so I though, Ill take the long way round.

This long way, being simply onto the A27 at Tesco and down 1 junction, half a mile then off and into work via the back way.

So, entering onto the roundabout, and keeping a level head, I get onto the straight, rain still teeming down, and give the Balboni half throttle........pushed back into the seat, then panic and the squirming rear end tries to step out.....oh, back off and calm down.

I did not do anything silly and was pre warned by Dan that the rears were sh!t!!!!

So, fun over, pull in to work and park her up in a safe corner and exit the car with a smirk and a grin.

Until next time.......


Glad you're enjoying her Matt :D
Not surprised about the detailers reaction, it is in a bit of a state. Which of course is why it's there. Very much looking forward to the finished result. Hopefully it'll be dry for the drive home!

Yep, she's definitely a bit lively at the moment. But tbh it's not that much different with tread on the tyres!
It's not possible to floor it in 1st in the dry, and only occasionally possible in 2nd depending on the surface and even then it will be trying to break traction at the top of the rev range.
Scary as you like for the 1st few thousand miles then something really bad happens... you start to get used to it and then start playing.

I had it roling roaded the other week and it has 569bhp at the rear wheels so that'd explain it I guess :D


Forum Owner
Day 2

Another day, another school run.

Its still raining down here, but maybe that is a good thing as it keeps intact the respect you need to have when embarking in such a vehicle.

So, plugging Freya into the front seat, still grinning from yesterday, with the disapproving onwards glaze from her mother, I twisted the key in the lock and fired the beasty into life. The car revs at about 1500 for the first 30 seconds, announcing its arrival.

I give it a blip only to be mouthed at from the dressing gown clad female standing in the doorway accompanying it with a disapproving glare.

So, brake, up right paddle, SPORT naturally, handbrake off and away we go again.

Being the second day the car feels less animal and more tethered dog, by that I mean manageable, but still very aggressive along as you keep it on a short leash.

Approaching school, the 'eye burning' started again, and pulling up on the quiet side of the lane, away from the serial door dingers, I park up behind a mate of mine also dropping his girls.

He approaches me and patting me on the back, exclaims, "Well done!" I let on, do I, nah, I am out with him on Friday so the truth can wait till then.

I consider my response carefully and smugly exclaim, "The Maser was not fast enough" and stroll off.

Upon retuning to the car, I see one of the 'Yummy Mummies' smiling at me and as I pull off, I even get a little wave.

So a carful meander into work, once again, park up on the safe side away from any door dingers and await the call from the detailers to request 'il beastie'

To be concluded...





I take it Matt...thats your house its outside....and you've not taken to delivering milk to bored that a smile on your wifes face or.......?!....:)



It does look fab.........and I smile when I see it..........but I bet you are loving every minute of it.....:)



Forum Owner
I take it Matt...thats your house its outside....and you've not taken to delivering milk to bored that a smile on your wifes face or.......?!....:)


That is 'Conearo Towers' yes Frank. The 'dressing gown clad female' AKA Mrs Conearo was giving me the 'We are not amused' face

I commented that when Dan sells it might buy it and was met with a stanch NO YOU ARE NOT....I think she knows its a 'leg opener'


Just what sorta husband are you be most upset to hear his pleasure mobile described as a leg that not a cricketing term.......;)



Forum Owner
Lamborghini has been delivered to the detailers....the love affair is over, with out incident I am pleased to report!

The GTS looks absolutely stunning, after 5 days of dent pulling and polishing, it was like putting on an old pair of shoes.

Great Thread Matt, 'the burning eyes' I put up with for 5 years while turning up at school as the PE teacher 'with too much money'. Secretly loved it, **** 'em!

Never a lambo though, had a ride in a Diablo SV of a friend but never driven a Gallardo, very jealous.


Forum Owner
If you get the opportunity, grasp it.

GTS vs Lambo, very different cars.

The Lambo is mad, but hard and compromising too. The GTS has the better sound track if you ask me, not as in your face as the Lambo but still a great car.


If you get the opportunity, grasp it.

GTS vs Lambo, very different cars.

The Lambo is mad, but hard and compromising too. The GTS has the better sound track if you ask me, not as in your face as the Lambo but still a great car.

Great Thread matt, indeed.. I am a bit worried about this trip later in the year.... as I suspect I could get seriously attached to Dan's car and I would start looking for one of my own,,,, not really sensible.... but then you only live once.. :) I think I will put that idea to the back of mind for now...


Forum Owner
Al you could get a lesser Lambo for around the £50k mark but when they go wrong your talking a vital organ to fix them. The gearboxes are prone on the early cars and your talking about £20k to remedy!