keyless entry


a 90k RR stolen in 20 seconds, this keyless entry thing is a load of bollox I always thought it was a sales gimmick when it first appeared on new cars and a security risk, you simply cant beat the good old fashioned key with the built in immobiliser chip, it don't matter how clever these car manufacturers think they are with all these gimmicks the crooks will always be one step ahead with their electronic defeat devices


I had my bags stolen from the boot of my sister's bmw 5 series in Berlin by a gang using a similar scanner. Politely, they locked the car afterwards so I didn't know until later in the day when I went to get my stuff out of the boot. The Berlin Polizei told me "that's the Turkish gangs and their scanners. Yours is about the 10th report today from the same area". Good to hear that they take this sort of thing as seriously as our lot do.

If you really want to keep it, a mechanical device such as a steering wheel lock or a wheel clamp is the best thing. Otherwise, a quick release steering wheel is likely to confuse the **** out them too. Otherwise, make sure you have appropriate insurance as this can happen anytime, to anyone.


I had my bags stolen from the boot of my sister's bmw 5 series in Berlin by a gang using a similar scanner. Politely, they locked the car afterwards so I didn't know until later in the day when I went to get my stuff out of the boot. The Berlin Polizei told me "that's the Turkish gangs and their scanners. Yours is about the 10th report today from the same area". Good to hear that they take this sort of thing as seriously as our lot do.

If you really want to keep it, a mechanical device such as a steering wheel lock or a wheel clamp is the best thing. Otherwise, a quick release steering wheel is likely to confuse the **** out them too. Otherwise, make sure you have appropriate insurance as this can happen anytime, to anyone.

Or buy a 25 year old Maserati....I can't start the bloody thing & I've got the keys :saifi:


If you really want to keep it, a mechanical device such as a steering wheel lock or a wheel clamp is the best thing. Otherwise, a quick release steering wheel is likely to confuse the **** out them too. Otherwise, make sure you have appropriate insurance as this can happen anytime, to anyone.

cant go wrong with mechanical anti theft devices that were simply undefeatable, I remember in my days many moons ago the best solution was a simple switch hidden somewhere that you could flick and cut the feed to the coil and I bet it would still fox thieves today, they'd all be scanning the fook out of the car and thinking wtf


Bit of thread resurrection..

I'm aghast that
A it's so easy to do
B people don't use basic methods to prevent this
C the rubbish journalism in describing how it happens, it's not radar it's radio detection. Totally different.

BBC News - Relay theft: Mum's warning over criminals targeting keyless cars


if it comes to it, i would rather they stole the signal than break in to search for the keys which is what they would do if you use a faraday box or pouchto block the signal i reckon........its only a car after all but this is my home.


I bought a new BMW X3 without keyless entry.....but if you do that, as we found out, you have to have manual seat adjustment. It is so hard to fight against this stuff. We have now moved from near London, but at the time, we were plagued with thefts so wanted analogue entry systems.