It can't just be me. Can it?


Ive had my 4200CC for three years now and I have enjoyed every minute of it. It has afforded me the privilege of lapping Donington, Oulton and Silverstone for the centenary events. It has taken me on 2 spectacular Euro trips taking in the Alpine passes, Maserati, Lamborghini and Ferrari factories and the Monaco GP and was faultless throughout.

It has not been the ongoing money pit that some would have had me believe prior to buying it and after having just returned from a pointless 100 mile blast this morning, the car drives impeccably. It is very much a second car and is always an event when I use it, getting nothing but positive attention from people.

BUT...... Me being me, after 3 years, I have been getting itchy feet and have been browsing the web for an 'upgrade'. I like owning a Maserati and like the idea of owning a Maserati (if you know what I mean). With a budget of between 30k to absolute max 40k, I am now firmly in GranTurismo territory. I think they are a terrific looking car, BUT they are HUGE! I have driven one which to be fair was a technical and NVH revelation after the CC, but I really don't want something that bulky.

I then thought I may just go half way house and buy a peach of a Gransport. BUT despite the regular arguments/debates on here with regard to how superior these are over a 4200, lets be honest the differences are really only nuances and I detest the interior. I certainly would not spend double the value of my own car to own one.

Historically, I always aspired to owning a Ferrari but over time I think they have now got too chintzy and blingy (for me), so nothing after a 355 (or 360 at a push) appeals to me anymore. This coupled with the fact the Ferrari tax has, in a very short space of time, taken them all out of my budget.

The 4200 straddles the sports car / grand tourer thing perfectly for me and had they launched the Alfieri instead of the GranTurismo in 2007, I would almost be certainly be in the market for a nice used example. But they didn't, and thats that.

First world problems and all that but I am finding myself checking out V8 Vantages, 996/997 Turbos and the like, but cant seem to summon up the courage to be without a Maserati.

Anyone else in the same boat?


I think you'd get used to the size of GT very quickly. Might Dicky Grace lend you one for a weekend (subject to you not doing mega miles)?

Steve GS

There is only one thing for it keep your 4200. I went straight in for the gs and love it. so I can't comment on deferences but worth every penny I spent on it and more.


The GT is about the same size as my old Jag XF so it's not huge. The main issue is around parking because the doors are so long but I don't find the size a problem at all.


Yes my thoughts exactly.
Despite many saying a GS is better than the 4200 like you it seems a lot of extra money to get a car very similar to what I have.
GT is really my only alternative in my budget unless I jump ship.
Drove a 4.3 Vantage and it was ok but certainly not as quick as the 4200 in real world. 4.7 supposed to be better.
Bentley Continental GT was another on my list.
Did the fast beetle thing before and would want as old age arrives to try something else having had 924/944/911.
Buy a cheap Biturbo and a Vantage?
Suspect there are a few on here in the same thought process as yourself.


Forum Owner
The Coupe (32/42/GS) are a very good sized cars. They are let down by the boot but we can all live with that.

To get 4 descent seats, and a long bonnet out of that floorpan is amazing.

Maserati need to fill this void in their current line up or are they afraid the others will then not sell?

Steve GS

The Coupe (32/42/GS) are a very good sized cars. They are let down by the boot but we can all live with that.

To get 4 descent seats, and a long bonnet out of that floorpan is amazing.

Maserati need to fill this void in their current line up or are they afraid the others will then not sell?

They come with a boot :lol2:


The GT is big, there's no getting away from it, but most cars are getting bigger now so it is not ridiculous. If you make sure you have parking sensors in the front as well as the back, you'll soon get used to it and the compromise of having a slightly larger car than you bargained for will soon be forgotten - they are a magnificent car.
Good luck


If my current 4200 had no boot and only 2 seats, I would still have bought it. Those things are an added bonus but as my car is effectively a toy, they are not prerequisites. My shortlist prior to purchase was 4200, 308GT4, SZ, Monaro, 22B or a Caterham. Not much in common apart from differing fun factors.

I appreciate all cars are getting bigger and I understand why this is. I just dont think its a good thing. As regards GranTurismo, the size thing is not a practical, parking space, door opening issue for me. Its just that if I wanted a big car, then I'd buy an S-Class or a Quattroporte.

In isolation, the Granturismo I drove certainly looked purposeful and well put together and as has been said, they are no doubt, a magnificent car, but when parked next to mine, I felt the 4200 looked positively lithe and pared down and much prettier.

Being of a certain age, I would have even considered going more retro, having always been a Khamsin, Bora/Merak fan but as is the case with anything tagged as a classic, Meraks have doubled even trebled in value over 3 years or so, spiralling out of my budget.

The fact that cars from every other exclusive, sexy brand (apart from Maserati) seem to be commanding top values doesn't help me either I suppose.


I bought into Maserati because I needed four seats and they have a strong position in this market place. If you have no need for rear seats then the car pool is much larger and you have no need to buy a GranTurismo.

Can you not get an F Type Jag at the upper end of your budget?


If you have no need for rear seats then the car pool is much larger

Is it though?

As you will appreciate yourself, a Maserati feels special and I suppose I have got used to this. Thats why I seem to be pining for a replacement Maserati that seemingly does not exist. Like Needamaser, I too have owned Porsches in the past but just a Boxster and 996 C2. I have nothing bad to say about either. Fantastic, capable cars but not special. That is why I have been stalking 996 X50 Turbo manuals, which are special and have at least some element of the theatre of the Maserati.

There is seriously nothing out there unless I have missed an obvious one.

Edited to say..

Good call on the F Type. I had not thought of them. Maybe knocking on the door of special currently as there are still not many about, but as time moves on they may morph into being the next ubiquitous XK8 bargain snotter at 5 grand? Am I really old enough for a Jag though? :)
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I got into them for the 4 useable seats too... true of the 4200 and the GT 's...... When I had my 4200 (about 2003 - 2005) I looked at trading up to a DB9... took one for a spin and was underwhelmed..... so back in the 4200.....

I've flirted with XK's over the years ... but always struggled with the Golf club image.... The F type is nice... but there's the 4 seat issue again..

Tried a new 911 GTS recently... all very lovely, but didn't leave me feeling I had to have it...In the way that all the Maserati have done.... All the Hot coupe versions of saloons ... the M3's and CLK's etc just look too ordinary...

If you need 4 seats, theres nothing better out there IMHO... if you can cope with 2...then its the Vantage or the F type...(for me anyway)... but are they really worth getting out of a 4200 for ?... I doubt it..


I've flirted with XK's over the years ... but always struggled with the Golf club image
Me too

All the Hot coupe versions of saloons ... the M3's and CLK's etc just look too ordinary...
Absolutely agree

If you need 4 seats, theres nothing better out there IMHO... if you can cope with 2...then its the Vantage or the F type...(for me anyway)
It's certainly looking that way

... but are they really worth getting out of a 4200 for ?... I doubt it..
This is exactly my dilemma


If 4 seats not necessary and a preference for staying maser then why not a GS spider? I doubt they are going to lose money so you could play for a couple of years and see what is around then?

Trev Latter

All the Hot coupe versions of saloons ... the M3's and CLK's etc just look too ordinary...

If you need 4 seats, theres nothing better out there IMHO... if you can cope with 2...then its the Vantage or the F type...(for me anyway)... but are they really worth getting out of a 4200 for ?... I doubt it..

That just about sums it up nicely, for me at least. There's a chap just down the road with an F type. Lovely looking car, plus it sounds awesome to the point where it's almost as nice sounding as a GT :)

I was looking at a Vantage or A DB9 before I bought the 3200. I'm so glad I went the way I did now, although I do still have a bit of a hankering for a V8 Vantage. No doubt the fantasy will outweigh reality however. The only thing that would put me off a GT is the size, but to be fair, I haven't lived with one on a day to day basis.


I made the move through the coupe range. 2004MY 4200CC, 2006MY 4200CC and nkw 2006MY GS... I too feel short changed on the last change tbh.

I may move to another make as life is too short just to stick with one make.

Andy Marshall

I know EXACTLY what the OP means. The GT is a much larger car, and feels it. It is chuckable in its own way, but nevertheless it can be a bit intimidating at first when compared to the more lithe 3200/4200/GS.
I would suggest a 4200 spyder. Smaller than the 4200CC, lighter (and a wee bit faster as result), plus with the benefit of sunshine motoring. If you can live without 4 seats it represents a fine Maserati experience. I've had mine several years and it has been very reliable in the 30k miles I have put on it. (now at 56k) and its actually worth more now than I paid for it!

When I got my Granturismo the intention had been to sell my spyder, but so different is the driving experience that I ended up keeping it. To be honest I can't see me selling it any time soon. I love the GT, but its different.......
Hope that helps

Phil H

Historically, I always aspired to owning a Ferrari but over time I think they have now got too chintzy and blingy (for me), so nothing after a 355 (or 360 at a push) appeals to me anymore. This coupled with the fact the Ferrari tax has, in a very short space of time, taken them all out of my budget.

You have to choose very carefully when looking at these, but perhaps an option?