Indicators have stopped


New Member
Hi Folks,
I took my 4200 out for a blast up the M1 to Silverstone (from Barnet, Herts) in the pouring rain on Sunday, and on the way home I noticed the indicator light on the dashboard (left and right) was coming on when I indicated but not flashing, I do not know if the indicators were actually coming on as it was tipping it down with rain. by the time I got home they had stopped all together. I presume the first place to look would be the indicator relay/fuses does anybody no which fuse and were the relay is.
On another note, and this may be covered in a thread some where else but is my Mas the only one that when it is parked up and it starts to rain the alarm goes off I presume to previous owner disabled the siren as it just sits there with hazards flashing as much to say "look at me I am parked outside and it is raining again" I personally think it is just attention seeking so I ignore it.:frusty5:




Forum Owner
Hi Neil, 18 months to make your first post, do you see us as ogars or something????

Right, alarm first. This is a common fault and the simplest way to sort it is to disconnect the cabin sensors that are situated behind the A pillar trims, either side of the windscreen. To remove the A pillar trim, you have to pop off the curtain trim first. The curtain trim butts up to the top of the A pillar trim on the roof.

This then reveals a screw at the top of the A pillar trim then it pops off. It might be a good idea to buy 6 new pop trim fixings from Maserati as they break on removal.

Once this trim is removed you will see a black sensor about the size of a box of matches. Disconnect the multi plug and tape it down so it does not rattle.

Refit the trims and remember to do both sides.

Your alarm will no longer go off in the rain and wind.

Indicators, well sounds like you are on the right track with the relay. I would change all the indicator bulbs as they can have earthing problems first. Also clean the bulb carrier contacts. Consult the handbook for the indicator relay, it will be in the main fuse box under the passengers front mat or in the boot above the battery. It could also be the indicator stalk. Dave Askew will sell you a used one for not much money.

Good luck, look forward to your second post mid 2015 :)


You're a harsh man, Matt :)

Neil, if your siren is not going off, it's worth checking (if you want it to work) Try arming the car with a door open. It should beep.
If it's an early 4200 with the bee sting aerial, they can leak pretty much on to the siren. Boot trim is easy to remove, and you may find that either it's full of water, or just MIA as it lives pretty much directly below the aerial mounting point.



I am not sure how similar the wiring on the 4200 is to the 3200 but there is a fuse (16) under the passenger footwell in the 3200 which blows out of the blue, and stops the indicators working. If this is gone replace it, but have a look for other fuses which might not be seated properly. There are a few in parallel its seems and if they come loose the other fuses blows. There is also a problem with one of the accelerometers (the one on the radiator) which can blow this fuse and take the indicators out. I replaced all the fuses here with new ones and this cleared it up.


New Member
Hi folks,
Thanks for the reply's, you lot are a bit harsh, just because I have not posted a query, does not mean I do not find this forum really useful. so far I have managed to fix a passenger window that had a mind of it's own and would often just open all the way down when you opened the door, thanks to whoever posted the article on removal of the electric window motors and the micro switch they cover in white grease, come to think of it everything under the door panel is covered in white grease, and I have managed to fix the electric window switch by modifying the wiring on the switch pcb(why do they have to have a pcb, what is wrong with a good old fashioned rocker switch), and with the help of a new parking module I hope to repair the parking sensors which just suddenly died. but enough of this back to the point of the thread, just as an update the wife took the car out Tuesday (yes do let her drive it, she is a more careful driver than me) and hay ho the indicators are all working fine, well it is Italian maybe it just does not like the rain. Thank you for the info on the alarm, that will be my Christmas break little job. I will keep you posted A BIG THANKS Neil:thumb1:


Well done Neil, always here to help when required, so long as you come on and read, you don't HAVE to post..!!

I think the static indicator lamp on the dash is when you have a bulb out, or bad connection..!!


New Member
Hi folks. Does anyone have any ideas how I can solve this problem? On my Maserati 3200 the hazards come on when I indicate left. First when I signal right. Any advice on how to sort this would be greatly appreciated.


dem maser

Hi folks,
Thanks for the reply's, you lot are a bit harsh, just because I have not posted a query, does not mean I do not find this forum really useful. so far I have managed to fix a passenger window that had a mind of it's own and would often just open all the way down when you opened the door, thanks to whoever posted the article on removal of the electric window motors and the micro switch they cover in white grease, come to think of it everything under the door panel is covered in white grease, and I have managed to fix the electric window switch by modifying the wiring on the switch pcb(why do they have to have a pcb, what is wrong with a good old fashioned rocker switch), and with the help of a new parking module I hope to repair the parking sensors which just suddenly died. but enough of this back to the point of the thread, just as an update the wife took the car out Tuesday (yes do let her drive it, she is a more careful driver than me) and hay ho the indicators are all working fine, well it is Italian maybe it just does not like the rain. Thank you for the info on the alarm, that will be my Christmas break little job. I will keep you posted A BIG THANKS Neil:thumb1:
I live 2 miles from you...let me know if you need anything.........