Electrical fault QP5 2006

Massa in Perth

New Member
I'm hoping this 'just' an old battery but has anyone experienced similar symptoms to this:

Drove to work, all good. Arrived, closed sunroof and got out. Closed door. Went to open boot. Actuator did not work. Tried drivers door, unresponsive and did not open even with key. All other doors likewise. Car beeps but won't actually lock or unlock. Opened boot with key in lock and set off car alarm..

Fiddling with car key and realised that if you hold the open button down the sunroof opens all the way.. climbed into car through sun roof!

Opened door from inside but no seat movement, no power windows or mirrors. Started car and have the electrical fault warning on dash.

Lights, indicators, stereo all work as normal.

Drove the car back home and its now in the garage with the drivers door open...

Only other thing to add is that out of the blue this week, one morning the oil level sensor malfunction warning came on, never to return. The next day the power steering failure warning light came on at startup, never to return...

Thoughts anyone?

Thanks in advance, Toby.

Massa in Perth

New Member
Battery checks out. However, we found the culprit, a blown 20A fuse in the boot fusebox.. Why it blew is the question, but all is back to normal for now.