Cobra Alarm


All was going well with the 348, until a few days ago it decided to alarm one evening, shut off ok, not sure what triggered it. Alarmed a couple days later, now can't shut it up! The immobiliser part still works fine ( Cobra track 5,) I can start the car fine, just can't stop the siren. At present sitting in the garage with the battery disconnected. I feel the best way forward would maybe to have it all removed.


I spoke to an alarm lot, and did a few checks. It seems the siren is at fault, possibly due to my drive in the rain recently. I can arm and disarm the car with the fob and indicators flash etc. If in alarm condition then the indicators would be flashing with the siren, however they are not. So just need to find the thing, it's well tucked away and a bit piercing to leave on for any length of time. The neighbours will hate me even more :)
Hoping I can get to it through a wheel arch liner, I don't really want to remove the bumper if I don't need to.


All sorted once I found it. Well tucked away, couldn't even find the wiring to trace it, but I suppose it's not meant to be easy. Disconnected, may replace, maybe not. Hazards still flash if triggered.