Cigarette Lighter


I use an external Sat Nav when needed because find the built in one almost useless. My problem is with the 12v socket which seems very shallow. The plug likes to eject itself at every opportunity. Is this because my plug is a funny shape or do others find this. Was thinking of trying an extension lead to see if this helps. Anyone else found this problem or any clever fixes?


Junior Member
I had exactly that problem with my 'phone charger adapter - the cigarette lighter socket was useless, the plug from the 'phone lead wobbled loose all the time. I tried other leads and USB adapters but they were all the same, I concluded that the socket just wasn't suitable for anything other than the cigarette lighter itself. My solution was to get a 12V to 5V micro USB adapter (mini USB available as well) off of eBay. Wired it into the feed wires that lead to the cigarette lighter (pull up the console to get to the relatively simple wiring underneath) which means I'm on a fused circuit (the cigarette lighter fuse) - current is low anyway. Then feed the output wire (the one with micro-usb) into the ashtray from where I can uncoil it if I'm on a longer journey and want to charge my 'phone on-the-go. Shouldn't use the real cigarette lighter and can't use the ashtray but I don't smoke and I'm never ever going to let anyone else smoke in my car so I don't care about those particular disadvantages.


Forum Owner
The light in the glove box is permeant feed/always on.

In both my GS's I wired in an aftermarket twin usb port so I could charge phones and have a satnav so they didn't run flat.

The light unit just pulls down.


I have a little canvas desiccant bag in the glove box, I just throw that on top of it. ( Same problem in the Brera.)


I have a twin USB cigarette adapter wedged in with a little bit of card - not very sophisticated but has worked perfectly for nearly three years.